After years of going to Oshkosh and looking at airplanes my wife Janie and I
have finally decided that an RV-12 is a great plane to have fun with as we
begin thinking about retirement. We began the empenage build this month
and have really enjoyed working on it together.

When we were looking at kit planes there were no RV's being built in Central
PA. We are located close to Penn State University and would like to invite
other builders or potential builders to visit our aircraft factory. We are about
400 yards from (N16) Centre Airpark. Its a grass strip about 3000 ft. Its
close to Centre Hall, PA. If you are an EAA member and just want to stop by
for a beer give me a call. Vern 814/777-4748.
Welcome - from your screen name, it sounds like there may also be some slow-cooked meat available? Or maybe you're a fireman...

Congrats on the new build and welcome to VAF.
Congratulations Vern. What's your build number?
Just wondering how many kits Van's have sold so far.
Congrats Vern ! I too just joined the fray August 1st. Finally squeezed my first rivit last night. Look forward to hearing more on your build in the coming months. Good luck ;)
Van's should have assigned you a builder number. Look at the top of your empennage invoice and you should see it listed. I believe it would start with a 12 followed with 4 more numbers - ex 12xxxx
Welcome Smoke, I am the proud owner of a 12, located at Cecil County A/P (58M) at the head of the Chesapeake Bay. We are not far from Lancaster, actually just minutes from Oxford, Pa. If you get down this way or need to see one, mon' down.
Pa Builder

Congrats on your selection Vern!! I hope you enjoy the build as much as I did. I was born and raised in Lancaster but now live just outside Atlanta. Make use of this forum as it will help you out of a lot of tight spots.