steve wyman

Well Known Member
I don't know about the rest of you guys, but this section 22 is driving me nuts! Up until then, the build had been going relatively painlessly. The possible new issue is this; On page 22-05, you attach the lower foreward fuselage assembly to the 1276 lower fuselage skin. I thought I would trial fit it while I was waiting for the new lower fuselage skins (1271) to arrive on Monday. I had clecoed together the 1272 lower skin and the tunnel ribs (1217A) inorder to check their fit with the lower main skin. The vertical flanges on the 1272 skin fit into the slots cut in the 1276 skin- no problem. But the 1276 skin has to wedge in between the 1272 skin and the aft lower flanges of the tunnel ribs. In former instances in the construction, where a portion of one skin (1276) is inserted between a flange 1217A and another skin (1272), a relief slot has been cut in the flange and the flange itself is offset by the thickness of the interposed skin. This is not the case in this instance. Jim Cone, if you could weigh in on this, I'd love to hear your opinion. Steve
Section 22 Updates

I just spoke to Tom at Van's. Here is the latest.

1. The F1201-C FWD Lower Firewall Plate only needs the 8 CS holes, even thou 10 are pictured in figure 3, 22-02.

2. The F1201-B 'shelf' plate 22-03, figure 2, needs the two larger nutplate holes reverse dimpled so they can go under the shelf as pictured.

3. Gas tank Sealant is acceptable to seal the FWD plate. They CAN ship it thru the mail.

Hope this helps.

John Bender
Thanks for the update, John. Now I guess I'll call VANS again and see if I've created any problems by dimpling those 9th and 10th holes in the firewall, like they told me to do. Steve

I agree. I would think it would be a good business policy to send an e-mail to all builders that are having similar problems, and give written corrections/directions. The time spent with all the calls I would think would be longer. At least we would all have the same info.

It certainly does help to talk here also - THANKS.

John Bender
Hi John- I got my new corner skins today and they fit! Yahoo! I also talked to Joe at VANS and asked about my 10 CS4-4 firewall rivets- it seems I'm OK on that score. As to the firewall sealant- 1. Fuel tank sealant is approved, 2. The CS-1900 is more than OK (I located some here in the Denver area- should be in on Thursday), 3. The Permatex RTV gasket material is NOT OK! Steve

I am supposed to receive a package from UPS tomorrow, so I hope I get the same parts.

I did get another answer today regarding sealant. They are sending me gas tank sealer, which has been approved for the firewall. They hope to have approval to ship thru the mail, the CS 1900, before we have to seal the wires etc. going thru the firewall, per them.

I hope we just got past the 'tough' spot in this kit.

uh oh ... section 22

Unfortunately I've reached section 22. I've asked about the final decision of the MC-CS-1900 on another thread.
Still confused. :confused: :confused:
On pg.22-02, step 3: Dimple nutplates then rivet them to the F1217-L & R Tunnel ribs and F1201C Firewall Bottom per the callouts in Figure 1. F1201C ... what callouts ... nutplates on 1201C ? :confused: :confused: :confused:

If you refer to figure 3, you will get a better idea. They are trying to tell you to put the nutplates 'inside' the tunnels and the rivets up thru the center floor plate. Figure 3 gives you a better idea of what they want.

Have you looked at all the revision pages on the Van's site ? Many of the corrections are there.

John Bender
Optical Illusion

Some of the pictures in the plans cause optical illusions. In a perspective view, parallel lines should be drawn closer together as the distance from the viewer increases. However, the pictures in the plans keep parallel lines parallel, regardless if they are close or far. Sometimes when looking at the RV-12 drawings, it seems like you are looking at the inside of the structure, then you blink and look again and it seems like you are looking at the outside. That might be the problem that Jerry is experiencing with pg.22-02, step 3, figure 1. I did not understand it at first either until I realized that the picture is from the outside looking up at the bottom, not looking at the inside from the top.

Oops, I should have said figure 3 in my previous post, not figure 1. Or it could be figure 4 if you version 2 of that page.
Section 22 Tunnel Assembly

I've reached the "tunnel assembly" page (22-02) where step 3 says to dimple the nutplates then rivet them to the F-1217A-L & R Tunnel Ribs...

Why do the nutplates need to be dimpled when the rib flange has been MCS for the flush rivet (AN426AD3-3.5)? There's no problem to dimple the nutplates, I'm just wondering why.
