
Well Known Member
(disclaimer: this happened a few months ago)

It was a mission that came together at the very last minute. Tanya was planning on flying from Corsicana to Austin on a Tuesday afternoon, when a mission request came in that morning for a transport from Corsicana to San Antonio. With San Antonio just an additional 45 minutes by air, she offered to make the flight that afternoon if the arrangements could be made on such short notice.

Sure enough, the coordinator Jerry was able to make magic and locate animal lovers at each end to make it work, and 8 hours later a 5-month old redbone coonhound was in the back of Tanya's plane. Neither the pup nor Tanya knew it yet, but this would not be their last flight together in the red and white RV-9A.

We had lost our 15-year old beagle a couple months earlier, and our house was awfully quiet without some hound-induced chaos. The little pup was such a sweetie, rode great in the plane, and turned out to not have a mean bone in her body. It helped that all she wanted to do was cuddle. That and her magnificent eye-makeup was all it took. Tanya returned home in a bit of a daze saying "Wow, that was a really great dog. That could have been the one..." Those comments went on for a couple of days. The next weekend we went back to San Antonio. The pup, now Skylar, was back in the red and white RV-9A en route to Austin and her newly adopted home.

She is all puppy, chewing the siding on the house, trying to figure out how to control her flailing limbs, providing comic relief, and growing into her paws. She will get it figured out soon enough, and this silly pup will fill a necessary role of glue to hold the household together for at least the next decade. She likes long walks in the park, stomping through the creek, and barking at deer. Welcome home Skylar!

Time for some puppy pictures!




This is what we do on our lunch break many days.

I can see why she grabbed T's heart...what a cutie!
My condolences to you and T over Watson's loss...I know how much he meant to you both.
I can see why she grabbed T's heart...what a cutie!
My condolences to you and T over Watson's loss...I know how much he meant to you both.

Thanks Moose. Yeah, we spontaneously cried for a few weeks. Digging back through 2007 build pictures... When you don't feel like being productive in the shop (it happens). Burn an hour or so taking a picture.

"You mean like this dad?"

"Or how about like this!"

We miss you buddy, but we're in good hands with your successor. See ya' some day.

Just in case you noticed, I finally got off my lazy butt and whipped up a script to take a set of selected photos, resize them, upload them to MY aws S3 bucket, and generate the right url for pasting here. Ooh so easy, why have I been so lazy :).
This site is great. It gives you countless great ideas, answers your questions before you even think of them and gives you heart warming stories.


Building an RV-7A
dues paid for 2016
Negative Cookies

How does she like your cookies???? hmmmmm....can't wait till OSH:D If you sneak her in I won't tell:p

Her nose tells her she would enjoy them, but we haven't had a casualty yet that has made its way onto the floor.

Can she sleep in your tent at OSH?

PS - If one were to need a little extra hand-holding in homebuilt camping, what flavor of cookies would one bring?