
Well Known Member
I couldn't seem to drum up any interest in going to the Hard Eight for BBQ so, rather than fly alone just for BBQ, I decided to fly my way around Amarillo for the day. There are lots of small towns in the North Texas panhandle so why not add a couple more pins to page two of the Airport Landing map. The weather here is fantastic right now and with the day off I needed something to do.

Keep in mind that all the photos were taken with a Samsung G3 phone as it was all I had with me. Considering that it has a lens the size of a pencil eraser, it does pretty well.

The people at Tradewind airport have always been great every time I've come to Amarillo and now they have a new FBO building. My only complaint here is that the runway is in serious need of a re-surface as it is rougher than a cob.


So the next bunch of pictures comes from my excursion over to the Palo Duro Canyon State Park. This was the best part of the trip! The air was still calm and I was really impressed with the how colorful the canyon is. Plus it's always a blast to fly below the rim. No restrictions here and if you're ever in the area I would recommend a trip through the canyon. I stayed in the north end of the park, but from what I could tell it extends for a long ways to the south as the conditions were CAVU. Really a SPECTACULAR day and view running through this canyon!!







Then it was on to Hereford, TX to add a pin to the airport map. Not a lot going on here on a Sunday morning. There were two Extra's that had landed in front of me coming back from one of the races...


Upon leaving Hereford I turned right and flew over this baby.... I wonder if that's how the town got it's name? Biggest cattle yard I've ever seen.


I was on my way to Dalhart, TX. when I saw a train on the plain....


A few more photos to follow on this phone photo flight.
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More Photos

After leaving Hereford, I made my way for pin # 2 and a landing at Dalhart, TX. The wind was starting to pick up, but it was right down the runway. Not much going on here, in fact the airport seems a bit run down. Couldn't seem to find anyone to talk to... They are getting a new FBO building and the sign said that there would be a restaurant as well.


Left out of Dalhart, TX and headed over to Dumas, TX. I've spent the night in this town once before when I got stranded by a winter squall and couldn't get home to Colorado. This is a Great little airport, they were super helpful to me when I was stuck here before, put the plane in a heated hangar for free overnight! So when I landed today there was not a soul in site??? :confused: The building was wide open and everything was running. The courtesy cars were all locked up. This was my planned lunch stop. Picked up the phone and called the airport manager Brandon on his cell. He told me where to find the keys to the car and go ahead and take it. He wasn't sure where the weekend help got off to....



After lunch at the 287 Roadhouse in Dumas I climbed back into 339A and headed for Amarillo. Took a slight detour on the way as I wanted to check out Lake Meredith. This lake looks extremely low to me... the chart shows water all the way up to where I'm flying.


Well that's all the pictures I've got for this Phone Photo Flight. It was a great way to spend the day and stave off some boredom. Plus I added a couple new airports, I'm up to 225. :cool:

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Thanks for the photos and the memories. I stopped for fuel at Hereford when I brought my 9a home. My photos came out very poorly and seeing yours brought back a lot of memories.
Nice pics, I have been through that area a few times, the cattle are in what they call feed lots. You see quite a few scattered around in the panhandle due to the amount of processing plants in North TX and South KS.
How much longer are you going to be working in Amarillo? Next weekend should be nicer weather for a lunch run also there is a Fly-in, in Ranger, TX (F23) 10/4-10/6, and in two weeks there is a fly-in, in Gainesville (KGLE).
Upon leaving Hereford I turned right and flew over this baby.... I wonder if that's how the town got it's name? Biggest cattle yard I've ever seen.


I think the one at Harris Ranch, near Coalinga, CA is at least as big as that. It is the biggest one I've ever seen. But, that was when I was stationed at NAS Lemoore in the late '80s.
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Nice pictures, just wondering how do you post multiple pictures like that

If you know how to post one, you can post up to ten. That's the limit and the little icon similes count as pictures as well. Just keep adding pictures in the same way as you're writing your post. Doug has an "sticky" on inserting pictures at the top of the Main section that is helpful.


Thanks for the photos and the memories. I stopped for fuel at Hereford when I brought my 9a home. My photos came out very poorly and seeing yours brought back a lot of memories.

My pleasure Don. :)

Thanks for sharing those, Scott. Nice colors over the park!

I was impressed with the canyon too. I've been here several times and never knew about it. :eek: If I get time, I might sneak out there one evening this week. Wish I had the "good" camera.

Nice pics, I have been through that area a few times, the cattle are in what they call feed lots. You see quite a few scattered around in the panhandle due to the amount of processing plants in North TX and South KS.
How much longer are you going to be working in Amarillo? Next weekend should be nicer weather for a lunch run also there is a Fly-in, in Ranger, TX (F23) 10/4-10/6, and in two weeks there is a fly-in, in Gainesville (KGLE).

Hopefully I'll be out of here by Friday if not sooner. I want to get home and try to make at least Saturday night at the LOE Fly-in. Having a tough time finding a "free" room (using points) near the airport in Loveland. Seems Marriott has maxed out the reward limit on rooms....

I think the one at Harris Ranch, near Coalinga, CA is at least as big as that. It is the biggest one I've ever seen. But, that was when I was stationed at NAS Lemoore in the late '80s.

They're several more rows behind me in this picture you can't see. By the time I managed to snap this one I had flown over quite a few.

Hey Scott,
Great trip write up and photos around Amarillo. I'm a local, and fly an RV7. If you want to eat lunch or dinner before you leave town, let me know. I'm always up for a dead cow dinner.:)