
Active Member
Flew up from HAF to Little River (O48), unpacked the folding bikes and went to the beach for a picnic. Hung out in the park for a while and then headed home. One of those unusual fog-less days at HAF so we hung around and had another picnic at the hangar. (65 degrees on the ground 93 degrees at 1,500' - now that's a temperature inversion !)

Wheels up at 8:15 pm to watch the sun set through the mist and then cruised around to kill time so we could watch the firework shows from the air. Watched the Pacifica one first, then up the coast to the SF Bay display then down to Watsonville and finally our very own at HAF. (Kudos to the NorCal controllers, there had to be 20 aircraft circling over Alcatraz in the Bay - poor thing was complaining about his "merging radar blocks".)

4 hours of flight, $100 of gas and one **** of a day.

Ya can't beat it with a stick !!

(N696WG, RV-9, 145 hrs)
Me, too. Perfect summer eve after a hot day in the pool. Our granddaughter is visiting and I took her up in the 7A for a tour around the county. AAAAHHHH the RV life is wonderful!!!
