
Well Known Member

1) I'd welcome comments and criticism on this panel layout. This is a rough
idea. All switches and circuit breakers have not been accounted for yet.
Trying to keep the 430W high enough in the panel to clear the aft LG tower
support. And, keep the PFD nearly centered.

2) As far as keeping the PFD close to centered: Can the SkyView 7" Classic display be configured
so the the PFD is on the right (60%), and the map on the left (40%)? I
always see the PFD on the left side of the screen.

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Can you not put the PFD?s much higher @nd cantered, with the 430 and audio panel below the PFD?s and even out the other components to the left and right?
I've been told the 430 will not clear the aft LG tower support. It must be higher. The popular setup in the past has been with the 7" displays centered lower and the 430W above. But, I'd prefer to have the way I've shown.
Yes you can arrange the PDF / map either left or right side of the screens with Skyview.

Have you considered moving your switches to the right side switch panel? On the 8 that's a great place to put them to keep things less cluttered behind the panel. then if you ever want to remove the plates you don't have to deal with all that air-frame wire.
...Have you considered moving your switches to the right side switch panel? On the 8 that's a great place to put them to keep things less cluttered behind the panel. then if you ever want to remove the plates you don't have to deal with all that air-frame wire.

That's a good point Andy! I've been thinking I'd like to have Buss bar and all breakers down on the switch panel on the right. Still kicking around the idea of mounting a starter switch on the grip. But, I need to figure out how to bend the stick so I can get a military style grip on and still be able to rest my right forearm on my thigh.

I know there was a guy that had nearly perfected RV-8 pilot sticks. But, I understand he's no longer providing that service.

By the way: how often do you get up to Arlington? If you come up during the week, I'd be happy to buy you lunch!
I suggest you try to keep the screens as high as possible to decrease the viewing angle.
We are just finishing this panel for an RV-8. Dual HDX EFIS, PDA360, ADS-B, Avidyne IFD440, ACM with Electronic Circuit Breakers. I will post some pictures next week.


Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems Inc.
N402RH RV-10
We are just finishing this panel for an RV-8. Dual HDX EFIS, PDA360, ADS-B, Avidyne IFD440, ACM with Electronic Circuit Breakers. I will post some pictures next week.


Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems Inc.
N402RH RV-10[/QUOTE]

How much clearance is there between the IFD 440 and the F-802T-1 LG tower upper aft brace?

Think about which hand will operate each switch and what phase of flight you will operate it. Then place the switches accordingly.

As Rob did, starting switches are on the right because he will move the throttle with his left hand.

Putting the SkyView as high as you can is great advice! If you can do this, put the nav stuff on the left and the SkyView control boxes under the EFIS with the knops on the left side and the AP box on the right.

Fuel pump, landing, taxi lights, etc on the left.
Think about which hand will operate each switch and what phase of flight you will operate it. Then place the switches accordingly.

As Rob did, starting switches are on the right because he will move the throttle with his left hand.

Putting the SkyView as high as you can is great advice! If you can do this, put the nav stuff on the left and the SkyView control boxes under the EFIS with the knops on the left side and the AP box on the right.

Fuel pump, landing, taxi lights, etc on the left.

Something like this perhaps..
(one of my favorites that we did for a customer)

Here are some more IFR RV-8 panels that we have done, the second one is in Andy Manilas 2018 Bronze Lindy award winning RV-8.

How about a 12" EFIS in a RV-8:


We have done a lot of these RV-8 panels

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems
N402RH RV-10
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Why do you need two PFD's. You have the 430. Thats 3 moving maps. Thats 1 too many. Waste of money.
All you need is one nice PFD screen, and 650 rather. I wouldn't do the 430W. Its old technology. But that is just me. I certainly wouldn't waste money on excessive and repeat glass panels. No need for that. Assuming you want legal IFR capability, but still, Simple is Better.
I can tell you that the Advanced Quick Panel picture #1 is a true joy to fly with. Having the ADI in the PFD centered in front of me makes for an easy instrument scan. All of the components work together flawlessly and are easy to reach and work with. I'm obviously a bit biased but after flying with it for over a year, I would not change a thing.
I also suggest to put the PFD as high as possible.
I?m having two 7" screens one on top the other. While the upper screen is easy to see and read, the lower is not so. For me it?s ok as backup or map display but the position is not perfect. Some time during cruise I have the upper screen configured as map display for better readability.
Just a thought but I would consider a 650 to replace the 430. I realize it?s a cost but I wonder how much longer the 430 will be supported. Hopefully for a long time as there are a large number out there but in 5 years who knows.
There's advantages to having radios on the right, especially if they require lots of switchology like a GPS.

Double check the readability of smaller screens. I'd give serious consideration to one big screen over two small screens. And the RV-8 is a great sport plane (I have one) but I don't think I'd want to fly it IFR....

There's advantages to having radios on the right, especially if they require lots of switchology like a GPS.

Double check the readability of smaller screens. I'd give serious consideration to one big screen over two small screens. And the RV-8 is a great sport plane (I have one) but I don't think I'd want to fly it IFR....


Ed, this really puzzles me. I currently fly a little Sonerai with nothing more than a handheld radio. Because of layout of the cockpit, the only place I can put the handheld is on the right side. That is, without bolting some kind of mount somewhere that would inevitably end up being a big snag for clothing and possibly further complicate ingress/egress.

So, I'm constantly switching hands on the stick to fiddle with the radio. I've had 2 different plug-in PTT switches, both failed very quickly. And, I finally quit messing with them. I planned on having the radios and knob panel on the left side in my RV-8 so I could keep the right hand on the stick.

After all this, I am seriously considering going with one 10" Dynon screen with their radio and ICS. And, maybe a D-10A as a back up.

Look at that, you guys may have just saved me at least $8K on my build!
RV-8 IFR Panel with dual HDX and Avidyne IFD440

With Electronic Circuit Breaker Page

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems
N402RH RV-10
One of those days

Ya ever have one of those days were it seems to all go wrong. I am installing a GTX345 to replace my old KT76C and get ADS-B in and out. While doing that I decided what the heck, lets install Infinity stick grips as well. Lots of wiring but all going nicely. I had also decided as part of the upgrade to re-cut the panel an install the Gizmo Aera 660 mount as well. All wiring done, panel cut, painted, labeled and trays mounted...ready to go.....this is the point were I realize that the tray for the GTX345 is several inches longer that the KT76C and it WILL NOT FIT............arrrrrrgh....new panel blank and switch labels ordered...