
Well Known Member

Hi there. I'm weighing a request from EAA Radio to do another mid-day talk show from Oshkosh, like I did in 2012. That was a blast and I had some fantastic guests (listed here), but, man, it was a lot of work. The prep time alone chewed up a lot of free time but I met so many fascinating people that it was more than worth it.

I try to do shows that emphasize grassroots aviators, that is: not bigshots but people who build and/or fly and who have their own interesting journeys in aviation.

So as I think about whether to do this this year, that leads to the question: Who would that be?

Many of the guests in 2012 came as a result of a request posted here (Alex Cuellar, the Unreins, Don Hull, etc.), so I'm hoping you'll step forward and pass along information on people in aviation you've met who you think would have a great story to tell for 15 minutes. Or maybe it's even you.

Please post here, or you can email me at [email protected].
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+1 for your radio show


I want to thank you so much for your interview with Alex Cuellar and his dad. 2012 was a very special Airventure for me and especially for them. I remind everyone, that Alex's Trip to Airventure would not have happened without the help of VAF members and this forum. Big thanks to all who helped Alex's dreams come true.

As far as interviewees for this year, I'd suggest a 15 minute spot with the people below. They represent an interesting group of young people. Just like Brandi and Brian Unrein, they built (or are still building) an RV-10. However, they have further complicated things by having babies at the same time. As you can imagine, having a young family AND trying to build an airplane is a huge undertaking, which can certainly take its toll on a relationship. These couples would likely provide an excellent interview on "How to Build a Family and a Plane at the Same Time."

Ed and Colleen Kranz - just recently finished their RV-10
Justin and Jess Twilbeck - just recently finished their RV-10
Mike and Sarah Jimenez - still working on their RV-10

P.S. I am in the same boat (2 yr old and a 4 yr old) - RV-10
Bob, this brings back good memories for me. You are a true professional, and I think anyone you choose would find it easy to talk with you. I'm glad to see that you have been asked to do the interviews again.
The one person(s) I would recommend for interview would be:
Paul "Rosie" and Victoria "Tupergal" Rosales
They will be there this year.
A couple of topics could be the gathering of RV-6's at Airventure or Traveling in a homebuilt.
They are arguably the champs of traveling with over 4000 hrs on their RV-6A.