
Well Known Member
Congrats to William "Wild eye ball" Mc Lean for another great job competing in aerobatics using an RV4. This time competing againt other 13 competitors in the Spoertman Category during the IAC East Coast Championship held ar Rome GA! Bill came from 9th place to 2nd overall. This mean if he had not screwed his first flight he would have won. bill competed against 2 super D,s, one Extra 300, one Giles 202, one RV8, one Yak 52, one Pitts S2b and the rest Pitts S1 of all different variations! Congrats Bill. 75 years old and Kicking B......!
not quite right on aerobatic scores

There was a computer error in calculating the scores for the 3rd flight, and I was second for that flight instead of 1st, but 1st for the forth flight. The very slight change in points moved me to 4th after the first two botched flights. We know Ron Schreck is a much better pilot than I, so the difference in score must be that my RV-4 is better than his RV-8. You know Mitch if you wanted to score better, you show trade that Giles 202 for an RV.:D:D:D By the way you RVers, you're missing out on a lot of fun by not coming to play with the aerobatic groups.
Bill McLean
RV-4 slider
lower Alabama
Too much fun!

Are we going to get into a RV-4 vs RV-8 discussion? NO. Bill and I did have a lot of fun this weekend. Unfortunately we both had lousy first flights, peaked late and missed standing on the podium with the national anthem playing in the background.

I am continually amazed that Bill and I seem to be the only RV pilots enjoying aerobatic competition. Why is that? There are about 7000 aerobatic RV aircraft out there. I will loan my parachute to anyone who wants to come out and give it a try. But beware, you will probably get hooked.

In closing... Bill, the RV-8 is far superior to the -4. :D
There was a computer error in calculating the scores for the 3rd flight, and I was second for that flight instead of 1st, but 1st for the forth flight. The very slight change in points moved me to 4th after the first two botched flights. We know Ron Schreck is a much better pilot than I, so the difference in score must be that my RV-4 is better than his RV-8. You know Mitch if you wanted to score better, you show trade that Giles 202 for an RV.:D:D:D By the way you RVers, you're missing out on a lot of fun by not coming to play with the aerobatic groups.
Bill McLean
RV-4 slider
lower Alabama

Im taking a vacation from competition this year! Thats my story anyway and im sticking with it! RV4 vs RV8 huhhh? Hmmmmm...the way you woooped all of us, the RV4 might be the one (if onlyi could fit in it) LOL! Any RV,ers out there interested in competitive aerobatics? Bill has a nice inverted spin in his routine showing what that aircraft is capable of!

Congrats guys! Bill, can we see a photo of your bird? Mitch was doing my vanilla RV-4's condition inspection and he was telling me that it's got some unique features.
Glad to hear it's working well!
Bill, Ron,
It was great to meet you both this weekend. I didn't get to see Bill in action but the one that I watched Ron do, he nailed it.

Nice job Bill ! Congrats to you sir.

Hope to have a chance to see you all again soon.

All the best,
Bill, haven't you heard that competition acro is a young man's game, and that RVs are not well-suited to competition? :D A real extreme sport isn't it? ;)

Once again, nice job. You and Ron are excellent RV ambassadors. I had planned on Rome, but Wx prevented me from making the trip down.
RV mods

Great to meet other RVers at our IAC contests, and always enjoy looking at beautiful airplanes. Here's a picture of the modified wing tips, and no it doesn't make it faster, but improves roll rate and lowers stall speed compared to just flat wing tips. I also have a long list of little mods that make it a little better for competition.
Bill McLean
RV-4 slider
lower Alabama
inverted spins

Congratulations Bill.
Still in phase 1 testing and this is spin week (kinda like Shark week but hopefully not as wet or scary). I'm going to include inverted spins. If you get a chance please give me a call.

303 882-7410

Here's a video clip of 3 turn +/- spins in my RV-4 that was requested by the IAC safety officer.
In competition we never spin more than 1 1/2 turns, and I had forgotten how these RVs rap up. Now pilots don't get scared, but after two turns when I initiated recovery (opposite rudder, stick forward), and nothing happens for a full turn, I did have an adrenalin rush.:eek: The RV-4 just doesn't have enough rudder in my opinion. You'll also notice it's very difficult to even get the RV-4 to spin. On initial testing I wouldn't recommend going past 1/2 turn before starting recovery, and definitely not more than 1 1/2 turns. For the inverted spins, I had dual time in the Extra 300 to develop the correct motor responses and build confidence before I tried it in my RV. It was a little different in the RV, and it automatically breaks in the right rudder direction, and just hangs with left rudder input. Hope you bring an extra pair of clean underwear for this week's spin testing.:D
Thanks for the interest,
Bill McLean
RV-4 Slider
LA (lower Alabama)
I flew Primary and then Sportsman in my 8 for a few years. Had a great time, only embarrassed myself once (hammer), had to "educate" the judges about RV spin entries or they would have zeroed me most of the time. :-( they were generally pressed with what the 8 could do. Then, as now, the IAC was trying to. Get more Rv's to compete, I even had a discussion with Vickie Cruz and some board members about RV's in Sportsman vs a type class. I liked Sportsman but they made the spin a 1 1/4 that year and I never could stop in consistently. I lobbied for a one or a 1 1/2 turn as the rotation picks up (at least in my 8) right at one turn and that made the 1 1/4 tougher than a 1 1/2.

Anyway, the bottom line is I left competition because of the bottom line (finances, it makes for an expensive weekend). I hope to get back in in a couple years when the ex is paid off! :)

Scott A Jordan
I'm already registered for the Warrenton, VA contest, 12-13 September. If anyone is holding back because they don't have a parachute, you can borrow mine. No excuses!
Congrats guys! Bill, can we see a photo of your bird? Mitch was doing my vanilla RV-4's condition inspection and he was telling me that it's got some unique features.
Glad to hear it's working well!

Patrick....Patrick....we need to put your USAF training into competition w that RV4...btw, who is doing your inspection next year?
I am thinking that if Bill did a inverted spin for his free routine that he had a chant of "Move Up Bill" when he landed.
Nice job Bill.
move up

I've been taunted with the "move up" for several years, but I can't do snap rolls in my RV-4, and don't have the vertical up lines with rolls with my 160 hp. If I wanted to "move up" into the intermediate and advance categories, I would get a more aerobatic airplane, but I have more fun with my RV.:D
Bill McLean
RV-4 slider
Lower AL
Would hate to see you move out of the RV. Good thing I don't compete Sportsman with you and Ron in there.
I hope to be at TN in September and Sebring in Nov. this year.
What happened to the Keystone contest?
I flew out and met you at the Keystone contest last year. I left before the results but I think you were doing pretty darn good.