mike newall

Well Known Member
120958 G-CJZW flew today. Phoned Vans to give them the news.

2 years in build along with it's partner 120957 as we had workshop room.

They have been built as an engineering exercise and to keep the workshop full lest the wife fills it with carp and other stuff :D

Another straight forward event, rpm a little low... left wing a little heavy.... nothing a big issue and will be cleared this week. We managed 2.5 hours today, we need 5 as a fly off in the UK before a flight test and submission for sign off.

There will be a little something on YouTube soon when I have the data.

Congrats Mike, nice job!

I'm new to the -12 world; is the process for correcting a wing heavy condition the same as for a normal bent trailing edge? And does one adjust the entire flaperon or just the outboard section?
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I believe so...

Just taking it a step at a time and working through the test cards.

We are going to start work on the trailing edge tomorrow, the prop needs fining off and other than that - perfect !

What a nice aeroplane the 12 is - what it needs is a great color scheme like your one I used on our RV7.

I will stop by at Sun n Fun and say Hi :D
So the noise on the departure was two of you Colonials having waaaaaaay too much fun over our Albion skies.

A pair of F-15's were dogfighting over York at 1215 local........

You know who you were and you were missing all the excitement down below :D

If not - please - someone use Farcebook to identify the miscreants :)

Free ride in the RV7 for the winner !
...what it needs is a great color scheme like your one I used on our RV7.

I will stop by at Sun n Fun and say Hi :D
I've been thinking ahead to paint schemes myself, and the -12 is such a fundamentally different shape that schemes that work on a "regular" RV just won't work on a -12. Still, I have some ideas in mind. ;-)
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I've been thinking ahead to paint schemes myself, and the -12 is such fundamentally different shape that schemes that work on a "regular" RV just won't work on a -12. Still, I have some ideas in mind. ;-)

Spitfire. Go with a "warbird" paint job! :D

Randy stole the best scheme going....

I copied it on our 7

Simple, warm white, accents, grays, reds etc

I'm new to the -12 world; is the process for correcting a wing heavy condition the same as for a normal bent trailing edge? And does one adjust the entire flaperon or just the outboard section?

FWIW my experience is that slightly bending the trailing edge of the top wing skin up or down is a lot more effective than squeezing/flattening the back of the flaperon itself. At least check the alignment of the edge of the top skin before attacking the flaperon.

Congratulations on your new bird!

Regarding your heavy left wing ... I too had a slightly heavy left wing. As previously mentioned, before getting draconian on the flaperons ... first check the wing skins aft of the rear spar where they cantilever over the flaperons.

Lower the flaps and use a straight edge to make sure the wing skin aft of the rear spar is flat with the main wing skin forward of the rear spar ... use a small block of wood and tweak up or down as necessary. Move a few inches and repeat the process. Do both wings. Here is a post from my blog with photos.

I found some high spots and some low spots ... after making the skin aft of the rear spar flat with the rest of the wing, no longer had a heavy left wing.

Enjoy your new bird!!!
Great tip - thanks.

Our weather is forecast poor for the next few days so time to sort the prop and check the skins etc etc.