
Hello All,

After much deliberation and thought, I am ordering my tools and tailkit for an -8.

The community of RV builders and flyers is outstanding. Thanks to Darwin Barrie for my first flight in an RV - and for the hit my bank account is about to take! Websites like this one, Dan Checkoway's, and Brad Oliver's have also been most helpful in making my decision.

I look forward to meeting many more of you as this project continues.

Nate Garrett
Glad to hear it.

ToadF16 said:
Hello All,

After much deliberation and thought, I am ordering my tools and tailkit for an -8.

The community of RV builders and flyers is outstanding. Thanks to Darwin Barrie for my first flight in an RV - and for the hit my bank account is about to take! Websites like this one, Dan Checkoway's, and Brad Oliver's have also been most helpful in making my decision.

I look forward to meeting many more of you as this project continues.

Nate Garrett

Glad to hear you bit the bullet. Don't forget to put me down for your referral!!!

Nate hasn't really introduced himself, but he is an F16 driver out of Tulsa. Plenty of RV guys around there. The OK folks will give all the help you need.

Nate, hopefully you exposed your wife to both flavors of the RV, side by side and tandem before you made the decision. If not, decide which half she will be come owner of :eek:
Nate, I shouldn?t be too far behind, but it?ll be a RV-7 or 7A. Still studying the wealth of info on this site. Probably won?t order the empennage until late this year. Without doubt it?s the community that re-inspired me back to Van?s aircraft as well, in particular this site, along with the solid reputation and history that Van's has with his aircraft. Tried it 12 years ago with the RV-6, but just never had the confidence to build it. The internet is in full bloom now with lots of RV builders, and hoping that will keep me from scratching my head so much if I come across a problem. A lot of knowledgeable people on this forum, that is for sure. Fortunately, I kept all of my Avery tools. With the pre-punched kits, that should also help things along, but I think I still want to go the slow-build route. I liked Dan?s site too, so much in fact, I sent off a money order for his videos last week for all of that. Not familiar with Brad's site, I'll have to do a search engine for it.
