
Active Member
I have the big RV-10 cooler to fit on my RV-7. There are no markings on the two hose ports that indicate inflow and outflow. So are the oil coolers directional or does it not matter which side which hose connects to?

Also, I have a blast gate to install so I can control temps. What is the industry standard? Does one pull the knob on the panel to open the gate and cool the oil, or does one push the knob to open the gate and cool?
I'll take a stab...

The in/out depends on how the cooler is mounted. I believe you want the pressure side at the bottom and return at the top.

Not sure there is an industry standard but, in general, the knob is pushed in for the default / operational position (e.g. Throttle, mixture, carb/cabin heat).
Really makes no difference. But... If the connections are on the side, the consensus is to put the pressure on the bottom to push any air up out the top ( was an old Cessna 172 problem ). If the connections are on the top or bottom it won't make any difference.
What everyone else said. Single pass coolers are not directional in and of themselves. Theyre just a bunch of pipes. But air is stubborn, so when possible, pump the flow from the bottom.