
Well Known Member
this battery was 5 months old and just died one day. glad i was at home base. the store replaced it for me and i now have 19 months left on the warranty. glad i bought it from a chain store. this time i will keep the purchase info in the plane. it took 3 tries to get the correct store in florida to confirm the purchase. :)

Have you had more than one go bad? I have been using a PC680 for almost 4 years with no problems. I even left the master on and drained it completely down once and it charged back up. I don't read everything in this forum but I don't remember other people having problems either. I will probably change it out on the 4 year anniversary just as a preventive maintenance measure.
Ed, I would be interested in knowing if you used one of those maintenance or trickle charger's of some sort.
Eight years on my PC680 also. It is in a full metal holder with no holes cut out. Never on a trickle charger. PP alternator. I load test it once a year.
9 years on mine before I took it out still working fine and put it in my winter car. We'll see how much longer it goes there.

Clearly, despite all the care and testing that goes into these batteries (see that YouTube vid Dan posted), some duds sneak though the process.
Not on an RV, but I just replaced an Odyssey battery in my Buell X1.

Okay, maybe it didn't like riding around in that vibration-intense environment almost completely on its side.
6 years on mine, replaced it for no reason other than age, left it on a garage floor for 2 years where it lost all voltage. When the battery on my lawn tractor died I thought what the heck? I put a charger on it for a few days, it came back to life and is now living a second life on the tractor. What a great product!

Odyssey batteries are dry cell AGM types. It amazes me how often I see people using chargers on them that are not designed for AGM batteries. Left on a trickle charger not designed for this type of battery, an AGM is destroyed long before its time. They're heavily used in RV's (the drive on road types) with wonderful results provided they are not tortured with the wrong chargers.
It?s been about 4.5 years on mine and it is always connected to a trickle charge when in the hanger. It is working great so far.
Odyssey 680

The Odyssey PC 680 in the 'Borrowed Horse' is 7 years old, never been on a charger, that I remember? It gets used pretty often.