
Active Member
Hello All.

Another newby joins the ranks of RV8 building.

My shed is small, but hopefully big and functional enough. The tools are on their way and the empennage kit is here.

Wish me luck...
Hi Ben.
Mike will be along shortly to give you the unofficial OFFICIAL VAF welcome, but I?ll jump ahead and welcome you to a fantastic forum. Keep us posted on the build.
Hello All.

Another newby joins the ranks of RV8 building.

My shed is small, but hopefully big and functional enough. The tools are on their way and the empennage kit is here.

Wish me luck...

Ben, welcome aboard mate:D
I'm a very short distance ahead of's awesome. I'd STRONGLY suggest doing the practice kits first. My tool box looks like it went through an explosion at a hammer factory. Glad I learned on that and not my tail section. My airfoil kit looks much better...almost passable as an airplane part.
Good luck!!

Any enjoy the journey. Lots of support and expertise to draw on here.

+1 for the practice kits

I would also recommend the practice kits, not just for practicing putting them together, but also for practicing drilling out rivets. Removing rivets is another one of those great skills you get to learn.
Thanks for the welcome and advice. I am keen to get started, but it takes a looong time for gear to arrive in Oz from the US.

Any day now though...
I didn't build the tool box, but he aileron practice kit that I built at an EAA workshop was pulled off the shelf a few times during my empennage build to practice new techniques before attempting them on any major sub assemblies.
Hi Rob,

Hi Ben,
Happy to help get you started, if you need any help?

In the famous words from Top Gun: "Son, I hope your ego isn't writing cheques that your body can't cash!"

I'm in Albany Creek. Where are you?
Hello All.

Another newby joins the ranks of RV8 building.

My shed is small, but hopefully big and functional enough. The tools are on their way and the empennage kit is here.

Wish me luck...

Welcome mate, I'm an RV7a owner and aspiring builder at some stage, swing past Caboolture at some stage if you want some inspiration, many nice RVs here.
That plane will change your life. have to put in the time.

You know to eat an elephant right?

One bite at a time.

Never let the project sit untouched for more than a day or two. Momentum is the key...keep it rolling.
Good Luck to you too.

Hongie, thanks for the heads up. It was visiting those RV8s in YCAB that gave me the impetus to proceed!

Now for one more bite of that elephant. If only the rest of the tools would get here...
Well I've been lurking for a few years. Just agreed to purchase a friends RV8 project. He's having some medical issues and ask me if I'd like to take it over. I've been thinking about building an RV8 for a few years. I believe that taking over his project is the right thing to do. God willing I'll get it done and he'll get to fly in it.

Wings are 2008 slow build and mostly done. Fuselage is 2012 quick build with very little done. Flight control surfaces and flaps are done. Going to have a tech counselor look it over with me and then jump in and get started.