Don E

Well Known Member
Hi, guys -

I've been lurking for a few days, drinking from the firehose, so to speak, learning as fast as I can. I've ordered my empennage and have been assigned a number - apparently the 329th RV-14 kit sold! I'm going to do the QB version. All new to me; really didn't ever expect to be building an airplane, but now very excited to get started. Thanks for all your posts; I've picked up a lot already. I have to do a lot more reading to winnow down my list of questions before I start making a pest of myself; but I'm here! What a great airplane we're all building!
Welcome. Just remember, there is no such thing as a stupid question...but there are a lot of stupid answers from well meaning people, like me. Trust, and verify.
This is absolutely the best place for you to be. The collective knowledge here is truly amazing.

Welcome. Just remember, there is no such thing as a stupid question...but there are a lot of stupid answers from well meaning people, like me. Trust, and verify.
This is absolutely the best place for you to be. The collective knowledge here is truly amazing.

Welcome. My answers as well. :D
Hi Don,

I'm just finishing up an RV14A tail. Best advice I could give to new builders like us is read that Part 5 a number of times. Every time I read it I notice something that I missed previously.

There are a lot of cool airplanes to build. But for sure, Vans and VAF are a very welcoming community; good safe products and excellent support. Hard to beat that. Never the less....... ;)

The only stupid question is the one you had that you chose not to ask.

Good luck!
Hello Don
Welcome. I am looking forward to seeing 14 kit up close. I built 7A that is currently for sale and I just ordered a 12 Kit. I would be happy to answer any questions!! I sure had a few of them.
Me too

Just like Jeff I am also in west Chester based at Brandywine. I built an RV-9A and would be happy to see your work. Another 14 is being built in Pottstown as well.
Don you have a friendly crowd there. Mark and Jeff built exemplary machines and had a great fun flying them. Welcome to the obsession! Make the building your FT job and you could be in the air in 25 months if going QB route. :)

Among the excellent sections of VAF here, the ones I found most helpful getting started were the Tools, Tips and the RV-14 sections (in your case; the RV-3 section for me).

Also worth reading for me were the RV-4 section - in your case that would be the RV-10 section. Both additional aircraft are similar to ours and there are currently more of them, hence a wider knowledge base.

Have fun!

RV-3B now on the fuselage

Thanks for the hearty welcomes all around! I've been flying out of New Garden; will start my RV-14 building project in my garage. We have a few RVs at New Garden, some owner-built, some bought already built. Glad to know some more locals! I am really looking forward to getting underway; I know I'm going to learn a LOT!

I was at Oshkosh for a few days again this year, shopping for a Cessna 180. Then I took a demo ride in the RV-14. Nuff said.

Thanks again.