
Fellow RV-3 builders, please welcome Bob Bragle of Everett, Washington, who also just started an RV-3B! After studying the preview plans for a while he stepped up and ordered his emp, fuse, and QB wings all at once.

Don't be a stranger here Bob.
no 360?

I have a question for you guys, how come you don't use 360's in the RV-3? Is there not a mount for it? Same price and only 8 pounds heavier has me wondering.

Tread carefully

I have a question for you guys, how come you don't use 360's in the RV-3? Is there not a mount for it? Same price and only 8 pounds heavier has me wondering.

It is not recommended by Van's who of course designed the aircraft. Yes, these are "experimental" aircraft and one can install any engine one prefers. Could it be done? Sure. I gave it some thought but decided against it solely because it was outside of Van's parameters. Also, 8-15 lbs (depending on the version) is on a relative basis a bigger hit on an RV-3 than a heavier RV. Lastly, with a healthy IO-320 with electronic ignition and such it goes like stink anyway.

That said, of course that is what a Harmon Rocket 1 is -- an RV-3 with an angle valve O-360 on it. Click here for a brief history on that.
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