
Active Member
I guess Vans doesn't publish this info. I bought a set of preview plans thinking the info would be in there.
In section 15 of the manual there are speeds for 4,6,7 & 9 but not the RV-3.
So here's what I've put together from different sources in MPH. Stall speeds shown are what my plane indicates.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Vso 54 MPH
Vs1 58
Vfe 100
Flaps 20° 120
Vx 85
Vy 125
Va 127
Vno 180
Vne 210
Best Glide 85 - 90
Final approach 70
Another question: has anyone got a clever way to latch the tip over canopy part way open while taxiing?
I've got an idea that I think will work but there might be some better ideas out there.

EDIT: From the input so far it looks like Va should be 134 and 20° flaps @ 120 is not valid.
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Here's what I learned after pushing Van's support a bit:

So in your data, there is no specified 20 degree flap speed other than the 100 mph limitation.

I think Va is 134 mph and the top of the green arc is 180 mph.

Vso will depend on the weight of the airplane at any moment. The 134 mph corresponds to a Vso of 55 mph, though.

Vx and Vy weren't given. Other RV-3 owners with the same engine, prop and weights might be able to give you a bit of data there.

I've seen a second set of holes for the latch tubes to go into in the panel for the taxi position slightly above the original hole.

Never seen the 120 mph flap speed, where did you find it? First notch of flaps at 120 would be very useful. Takes a while to slow to 100. My indicated stall speed is 62 mph flaps down and I suspect it reads high.
New RV 3A for Me Too

Stall testing showed 50-52 knots indicated at stall. I use 90 knots as flap speed, but even with a FP prop I?ve found it?s not too bad to slow down. I approach at 65 knots with full flaps and power off unless gusty and add the smallest touch of power at flare to make the landing soft (although it?s really not necessary I just don?t trust my timing on flare yet).

On takeoff I push the tail up quickly (unless soft field) and accelerate until she wants to fly. From there, assuming no short field/obstacle, I accelerate to cruise climb in ground effect and cruise climb at 100-110 knots to keep CHTs down around 400 or less.

My -3A is a little on the heavy side (to be fixed soon) and has an IO 320 at 160 HP. I?ve inly flown 4 hours in her so this is all subject to change. Hope that helps as a data point!
Here's what I learned after pushing Van's support a bit:

So in your data, there is no specified 20 degree flap speed other than the 100 mph limitation.

I think Va is 134 mph and the top of the green arc is 180 mph.

Vso will depend on the weight of the airplane at any moment. The 134 mph corresponds to a Vso of 55 mph, though.

Vx and Vy weren't given. Other RV-3 owners with the same engine, prop and weights might be able to give you a bit of data there.

I've seen a second set of holes for the latch tubes to go into in the panel for the taxi position slightly above the original hole.


Thanks for the info Dave. But your link doesn't work for me.
Look for a thread titled "RV-3B Operating Limits," dated January 8, 2016, and authored by me. It's in teh RV-3 section here on VAF.
