
Well Known Member
In another thread I posted that I got my airworthiness certificate last Friday.

Today was a perfect day for flight. The weather couldn't have been better and I took N626KM out for its first one.

The flight was wonderful, no squawks. Two hours in the air.

The RV-Grin strikes again.




Still working on the wheel pants and fairings. I'll get it painted over the winter.
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Since you mentioned the panel Charlie, I added a picture of the panel to my post starting this thread.
Congrats on the first flight. Your brother Jeff has been keeping me updated on the build. Have fun and be safe during the test period. Really hoping you and your wife can fly to our BBQ on July 15th.

Gary Kremers
Ottawa Executive, MI (Z98)
RV10 100JV
Highlander 325AB

I am targeting mid to late July to have the 40 hours wrapped up, but weather and any issues I run into may get in the way. Two hours today was a nice start, only 38 more to go.

The 15th looks a little tight but if it's done I'm sure we could be there. Jeff has shared the pictures of them flying with you in your 10. Very nice looking airplane.

Thanks for keeping up with my progress.
Well done. Thankyou also for your blog . Are you happy with the iPad setup, as I have been thinking along those lines as I am getting close to panel and engine?
... Are you happy with the iPad setup, as I have been thinking along those lines as I am getting close to panel and engine?

I am.

With the G5 as a secondary flight display the G5 replaces a second G3x screen and a second ADAHRS unit. The iPad can then be a courtesy screen, for a second pilot, and it is easily removable to fit on a knee board in cruise, which is how I plan on using it.

One thing I wish I had done was tilt the right side panel towards the left seat like in a Cirrus. I still may do it in the future. It would make it easier to reach and read. That would be true of a second G3x screen as well.
Well done, sir! Congratulations on your outstanding achievement. Thanks for the encouragement and information you have contributed. I like your build blog a lot!

What are your plans after you get her broken in? Aerobatics? Cross Country?
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What are your plans after you get her broken in? Aerobatics? Cross Country?

Mostly cross country with the wife. I already can go do gentleman's aerobatics in my Sonex. Hard to imagine that I won't roll the 14 every now and then however.
Nice job and congrats! You did a good job fitting all those avionics into your panel too...of course I'm biased! :)


Just in time for Oshkosh. I should have mine in the air in about a week and a half.

I wonder how many 14s will make it to the Wisconsin Mecca. We need to have a "pat each other on the back session".
