
Hello! About a month ago, I bought Ben's RV-6A - my first airplane! John Palese gave me transition training in Sheboygan WI, and then I flew it home to Nevada with help from Rosie. We ran into some crazy weather and got socked in for 2 days at the lovely Jacksonville, IL airport.

Since then, the flying has been fantastic in the sunny southwest :)


Congratulations on your new RV6A and welcome to VAF. Hopefully, you can share from your professional experience here too. Members do a lot of flight testing, not structural, though.

One thing about Illinois weather, it is always going somewhere else, so it will usually change soon:)

Great picture with that RV GRIN.
Congrats on the new plane... best of all it's a slider which you'll greatly appreciate in the summertime :cool:
Welcome !!!! Read and search here.... alot.
You will learn more than you ever imagined.
Have fun too...
Congrats! Very nice. I bought mine a few months ago and love it. I am sure you will really enjoy yours.
Great time of year to buy a -6A! I got mine just over one year and 140 flight hours ago. Enjoy it as much as I have, it will make you happy!

Happy life, happy wife! That's my story, anyway. :D