Jim T

Well Known Member
Seeing Dan's "Joined the Club" post yesterday reminded me that I hadn't properly introduced myself yet.

I picked up my empennage kit at Van's on Mar. 20 (ser. no. 120647) and have assembled the VS and rudder so far. Very enjoyable. :) I've been interested in the Van's aircraft kits for the last 20 years, but, with the introduction of the RV-12, decided my time had arrived. In other words.............I've finally gotten the time, money, and inclination, as well as the airplane I want to build, all together at the same time.

Like so many others I took flying lessons years ago (1969 in my case). I flew long enough to solo, then life got in the way, and that was it.......until now.

My intention is to build the plane, get someone to flying off the initial hours, and then take lessons in the plane for my Sport Pilot license.

I'm presently building in my shop on the North Oregon Coast, but we're actively looking for a home in the Independence, OR Airpark. Heck, if we're going to do this we figured we might as well jump into the flying lifestyle with both feet!

So anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! ;)

Welcome to VAF!!!!

Jim, just in case no one has welcomed you here in the last 7+ years, here it is:D

Good that you finally bit the bullet, you will have a great time.

Independence airpark is a wonderful place, met a lot of really great folks there in the last few years. You will like it.

Enjoy your new pastime.
Welcome to the club

You are going to have a great experience! This is a great group to join.

Started building in late Sept and going to Paint 3 weeks.
Good job Jim! You got started ahead of me. I will be picking up my first kit in May. Come down to the hangar tour (known as the Taxiway of Dreams) on May 12th at Independence.
Salem, OR