
I have just finished my first 25 hours and that brings to an end to the 25 hours test flying our licensing body impose on builders in this country. Now I can go where I please and take passengers. I will now change the oil and check fuel filters and may even make the prop a bit courser. While I am working on the engine I will install an autopilot which should make flying even more enjoyable.

Tony E
small world encounter

Hey Tony,

I think I met a friend of yours on a commercial flight here in the USA. His name was Ken, I think, or maybe Kent. He and his wife were on a homeward leg after a cruise, stopping over in San Francisco for a few days.

In conversation, I mentioned that I just finished building an RV-8 from Van's Aircraft, and he seemed to know what that meant, then told me your story.
Good to see you got the -12 going.

Sorry we didn't have nicer weather for Ken and his wife - I think we had one nice day before the deluge started.

Hey Tony Congrads on getting up & away finally Im sure now the Fun really begins if you Ever head up Hervey bay area give me a bell id love to look your aircraft over ...yet to order mine here..!
Cheers John H.