
I've tried wading through the sport pilot/light sport aircraft rule but couldn't find an answer to my question. Will we be able to fly are RV12's to foreign countries? I see in the rules that one needs 'prior written permission' to fly into a foreign country on a sport pilot license. But I couldn't see anything that would prohibit a private pilot from flying a light sport aircraft to Canada, Mexico or the Bahamas for instance.
Can't answer you question on the legalities of the pilot being able to cross into other countries, but the operating limitations of all experimental and light-sport aircraft (E-LSA and S-LSA) state that you must have written permission to fly over any foreign country.
Normally it's not difficult. You just have to apply. I believe that Canada has a "blanket" approval that can be gotten, but it must be carried aboard the aircraft. Some of you guys that cross the northern border frequently can elaborate on this.
If the RV-12 is registered as an amateur-built aircraft, and the pilot has a license that meets ICAO standards (i.e. private pilot or higher), then this is no different from flying to Canada in any other RV model. If the aircraft were registered as an LSA, that would be a problem, as Canada does not currently recognize the LSA category. I suspect that eventually there will be way to get permission to fly US-registered LSA in Canada.

If the pilot has a Sport Pilot License, this is a problem, as this license does not meet ICAO standards, and thus there is no automatic recognition of it by other countries.