
Well Known Member
Two days ago we went to NYC for our younger son's graduation from Parson School. Friday morning before we departed the area we made another Hudson River tour. This time with a Drift HD170 camera on the left wing tip.

We have done Hudson River tours several times. In the past we flew the SFRA Class B exclusions. That means flying VFR below 1,300'. After seeing our residential NYC expert - Vlad, routinely fly over Newark Liberty International we decided to follow suit. I figured that he must flew the NY Heli routes. An email to him confirmed my suspicion.


We departed Linden (left Darren S's RV-7 there) and called Newark Tower (actually approach control) on 127.85 for a clearance for Linden, Newark, and East River routes (Heli chart). We were cleared to cross south of runway 14 at Newark Liberty International at 1,400' and Hudson River at 2,000'. East river clearance was denied due to the amount of traffic (this is Friday morning). Upon reaching Hudson we switched to 126.05 to talk to LaGuardia tower. We requested and were cleared to make a turn around at GW Bridge. Around Holland tunnel we were cleared to descend to 1,400' and direct Statue of Liberty, then, Verrazano Bridge. ATC called a lot of traffic, airliners at Liberty and LaGuardia and helicopters along the river. We were referred to as "Bananza 3 Lima Foxtrot" probably due to our speed. When I realized that I throttled back to 50% power and still doing 110 kts (should have flew slower to enjoy longer). Below is a link to a 20 min raw video of our tour.

I have ADS-B display on GRT EFIS. As soon as I entered Hudson River I no longer receive any traffic. Traffic reappears after I passed Statue of Liberty. It puzzling to me as what was the reason.
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Nice! BTW you taught me couple years ago how to be an expert in NYC. :)

Now I am sitting here at Chatham KCQS eating breakfast at HangarB cafe and reading your post... These RVs are great!
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I think you departed too late and aerial traffic started to pile up. As car traffic down in the City :)

Today I went early 7 am I was up in the air. Couple news helos were awake nobody else.

There is a lot of construction activity on 22L.


LaGuardia was just picking up the speed I asked them if I can transit over their ## eastbound they asked what type of experimental I am and said no. Cleared East River instead. ;)


Crossed Central Park using our beaten path and checked out over the Bronx.



Let's talk to my cousin to negotiate some route for us. You are lucky to be called a Bonanza, today they called me helicopter 6 beekei.
Parson School?

You mentioned your son was graduating from "parson school" .... Which one?
I have a son who is a student at Drew Univ. School of Theology.... close by in Madison, NJ.
Jim Frisbie

It is Parson the New School for Design. He got an undergraduate degree in biology/neurobiology then decided to become a fashion designer:D