
Well Known Member
This is serial # 75. Jan bought this kit "almost done" and we have spent the better part of a year:

- teaching Jan how to do useful things like install nutplates, drill & deburr holes, squeeze/pull rivets, apply ProSeal (neither tank SB had been done), and a lot of the other skills you pick up while building
- sorting out hardware - it had all been dumped out of the bags into a big bucket
- finding things not done (washers are NOT optional, especially in flight controls), not done correctly, or damaged and hidden (a piece of electrical tape led us to discover that all five trim wires had been cut apart and hidden)
- fixing the wiring issues that came with the D-180 to Skyview conversion

The FSDO guy came out and inspected today and left us with an airworthiness certificate and a short list of 'best practices' to consider (he is no fan of tie wraps in the engine compartment, etc.)

So, hangar decoration to airplane with the stroke of a pen!

As delivered:

Beginning a much more thorough inspection that mine got, but them again, it was 15 degrees on the day mine was done.

Jan's Operating Limitations had much more language around the requirements to perform SBs and other stuff that we might be used to considering optional - I'm going to get a copy so I can get a better understanding of the differences that have been introduced over the last couple of years.
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And... good lord, was the fuse side skin really that rumpled when you got it? Or is that just a really funky reflection?

And... good lord, was the fuse side skin really that rumpled when you got it? Or is that just a really funky reflection?
A little of both, I suspect. Some dents and dings here and there as well.
Jan's Operating Limitations had much more language around the requirements to perform SBs and other stuff that we might be used to considering optional - I'm going to get a copy so I can get a better understanding of the differences that have been introduced over the last couple of years.

FAA Order 8130.2 got a complete makeover with revision H, drastically changing operating limitations just a couple of months ago. The new ones include things like "life limited parts", "external stores", concurrent "public/civil aircraft operations", etc.
FAA Order 8130.2 got a complete makeover with revision H, drastically changing operating limitations just a couple of months ago. The new ones include things like "life limited parts", "external stores", concurrent "public/civil aircraft operations", etc.
Probably applicable to a lot of folks is a requirement to flight test and document things like external camera mounts, or at least that's the way I read the part with "external stores." I need to get a copy of the exact language to better understand it; I really just got a quick read-through.