Lizard Lips

Active Member
I have what is probably a really dumb question, but I am not easily embarrassed, so here goes::D

After the fact I have realized that the plug connectors should be half top plugs and half bottom plugs on each mag. In other words, the left mag might connected to cylinders 1 & 3 upper and 2 & 4 lower. Right mag should be connected to 1 & 3 lower and 2 & 4 upper. Now the problem:

I have connected one mag to all the upper plugs and the other mag to all the lower plugs. Actually these are P-Mags rather than regular magnetos but the principal should be the same. Now for the dumb question: :confused:

Should I re-route the connectors or will it be OK to leave them as one mag on lower plugs and the other mag on the upper plugs?

Longview, Texas

RV-14A 95% complete, 95% to go
Arion Lightning LS-1 Flying routinely
2020 Dues paid
I wouldn't change them. I have 1 mag and 1 E Mag, I run the E Mag on the lower plugs and the mag runs the top plugs.
That's good news to hear! :D It's a real pain in the gazoo to re-route everything.
Thanks a bunch for your responses. Seems like there's always someone around willing to help on this forum.

Longview, Texas