Excellent Video!

Great music. Im gonna download that for my next aerobatic run.

Thanks for sharing


Nice video.

A few questions:

How many camera's are you running at the same time? Looks like 3 (forward, rearward, wing towards cabin).

What camera settings do you use? such as resolution/field of view/etc.

This video was comprised of 3 separate flights...changing the camera location on each flight. My wife got the camera for me as a Christmas present, so am still learning to use it and edit video. I am using the standard settings.
GoPro offers free editing software on their website. Maybe it's just me...but I didn't find it very user friendly. Learned by trial & error. Not bad once you get used to it. Had used Windows Movie Editor before and was comfortable with that.
Nice video Jim. Glad to see you're still enjoying the 6. It looks like you are flying out of 1A3, just 1.1 RV hours from me. I'll have to drop in or meet you some where and have lunch.
Come on over Steve!!! We flew over to Gallatin b'fast fly-in last fall. Pretty good turn out.
Actually, my daughter picked out the song. I'd never heard it or the band. Didn't think I'd like it....but now I can't get it outta my head!!:rolleyes: She had it saved on iTunes
Nice video!!

Like the airport dogs too. But I'm guessing those aren't the type that actually live there 24-7.
No, the dogs belong to a guy with a Mooney on the field. We usually have to dodge deer and turkeys on the runway. Have also seen wild hogs. No black bear yet....but have seen them at my house.:eek: