Wow, that was beautiful...the flying and the scenery!

Now I need to talk my English, Swiss and German buddies into a trip to you ever allow visiting formation pilots into those gorgeous flights? :D

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Well done!

This video had it all - nice editing, nice scenery, nice aircraft, and nice flying! Great work!
Hermann: wie geil.... super gemacht!!! Ein echter Aufheller in dieser Zeit. Danke!!!
Wow, that was beautiful...the flying and the scenery!

Now I need to talk my English, Swiss and German buddies into a trip to you every allow visiting formation pilots into those gorgeous flights? :D


Hi Bob, we're waiting you ! it'll be an honor :)
Excellent video. How many cameras in the formation did you have including on the camera plane?
Great terrain back drop. Living here in mid US about the only interest features i have are the big rivers. Flat with rivers are not as impressive as mountains with lakes.
Now I need to talk my English, Swiss and German buddies into a trip to you every allow visiting formation pilots into those gorgeous flights? :D

Ok, you are accepted. :D

September 10-12 next year. Let me know the additional number of airplanes. ;)
Excellent video. How many cameras in the formation did you have including on the camera plane?
Great terrain back drop. Living here in mid US about the only interest features i have are the big rivers. Flat with rivers are not as impressive as mountains with lakes.

I don´t know the exact number of cameras. Two in my airplane, my son just aiming a Gopro, another time Gopro on the glareshield and one 360 cam on the canopy. Then I used some footage from the fellow pilots. The video is actually made out of two flights.
You´re right, background gives extra boost, could be clouds, smoke... Here it´s the mountains and Lake Garda, a very beautiful landscape and I envy our Italian friends.
Wow, that was beautiful...the flying and the scenery!

Now I need to talk my English, Swiss and German buddies into a trip to you every allow visiting formation pilots into those gorgeous flights? :D


Now you have it: September 10 -12 2021
No excuses accepted!
Love listening to the Italian from the girl in the tower. Very sexy:rolleyes::rolleyes: And yeah, The background there is really pretty. Would love to visit sometime.
Hi Bob, we're waiting you ! it'll be an honor :)

Woo Hoo! It would be fun, and an honor, to fly with you gents Luke! My wife has been after me to visit Italy for...well, forever! :)

Ok, you are accepted. :D

September 10-12 next year. Let me know the additional number of airplanes. ;)

That's when the Reno Air Races are...but maybe we can set up an exchange program...we show you around Reno and the Sierras, and you show us around Trento and the Italian Alps! :D

Good show! That is how it is done.
What we would pay for some of that smooth air during the Falcon Flight shows... :).