andrew phillips

Well Known Member
Today was test flight 1 and 2 of C-GNDY. The plane performed almost perfectly. I do have a heavy wing which takes full aileron trim to rectify but this is the biggest snag I had. Temps and pressures all look good. It has been a 22 month project for me and today was a great day! The only bad part was having to watch it from the ground due to Canadian regs that prevented me from being the test pilot. I briefed the pilot with all the info Mike Seager had taught me and he did a great job! I will try to post my final panel pic soon and the paint when it has been completed ( a real nice custom job expected).

Always good to here about another one flying. Get the heavy wing fixed and start enjoying the fruits of your labor!

Looking forward to the pics.

Good job Andrew.
Glad to hear all is going well, want some pics. VAF Canadian Wing adds another unit.
That's great news, congratulations Andrew! Another Canadian RV. I'm sure those first 5hrs will go quickly and you'll get your turn :)

Fly safely.
Congrats Andrew!

Look at it this way, you must have done a great job building that thing, otherwise there is no way your test pilot would even think about getting in and flying it.

Well done!

Just curious, what in the Canadian Regs prevented you from test flying it yourself?
