
Well Known Member
I've read numerous posts addressing the low flap and the need to bend a "joggle" to get a smooth transition. What I haven't seen answered is why my QB flap skins come up short;

Why would this be?

Still somewhat concered about the low flaps so I thought it would be good to get it straight from the mothership.
Text from question emailed to Vans tech support;

> -8 QB. Set wing incidence and sweep perfect. Flap is about 1/2" below fuse. Forums say its
> normal. What does Vans say?

It can vary depending on the wing incidence form flush to below a 1/2" like you have. I have
even see one side flush and the opposite will be down.

From my experience with this kit so far I've learned that if something doesn't line up I probably made a mistake. This whole flap to fuse issue doesn't make sense. Too many builders have ended up with the same outcome. Then there are just as many who have had the flaps line up perfect. The only builder variable I see is wing incidence. But to tuck the flaps the wing would end up with negative instead of 1/2 deg positive.

I know, its a farm tractor not a Swiss watch. But like many I want to build the best ship I can.
Something is not right about that, do you have an extended lower skin on the flap that is shown on the dwg? If it flush with inboard flap rib then the qb people may have cut it off. It should cover the area you have exposed in the pic.
The lower skin on mine is 2 1/2 past the inboard rib in the aft location, and 3 3/8 past it in the fwd location. Hope this helps.

Not that far in my build yet but did you trim the flap skin to short?


Update; Decided to ask tech support about the short skin as well. Response; "Our -8 is the same way"
Seems like someone would have corrected that by now.

Anyway, not going to obsess over it anymore. "Build on!"
Another flap to fuse question: my situation

I had a similar problem. Vans was no help. Fortunately I pursued it on my own. I found that one of outboard wing rib tooling holes I was using to set neutral aileron and align the aileron and flap was the wrong one.

Surprisingly it was not glaringly obvious. Only changed things a few degrees. But more than enough to put things off.

With the correct aileron neutral things went much better. Only took a slight jog to get a pretty nice flap fit.

-8 QB
Aerosport IO-360 on order
Working on panel, wiring and avionics harness.
2014 Dues Paid