
I'm New Here
October 31. Keeping a careful lookout for early-flying witches, I made the first flight of N812DL, the first of eight RV-12s being built here at Independence State Airport (7S5) in Oregon. The 38-minute flight accomplished all 73 items on Test Card No. 1, thanks to friends on the ground taking notes on a discreet frequency. The only surprise was needing quite a bit of forward trim on the takeoff climb. I'll try a tiny wedge on the rudder to correct a half-ball-out trim at cruise airspeed. The full-flaps approach at 54 knots worked perfectly for a smooth landing and runway exit at the first turnoff. Ours flies just about like the red prototype. What a kick!
--Dave & Lois Martin (You can read about our project in a six-part series that began in the September issue of KITPLANES. There will be a one-month gap between Episodes 5 and 6.)
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Great job Dave & Lois!

Richard (test pilot) noted the trim setting on take off as well. We configured the Dynon (green line) trim preset at about 1/3 below the middle and that is working well. First flyers take note to trim down from center a bit!

Congratulations neighbor!

Good job Dave! I'm jealous! I know how much you've been looking forward to this. There look to be a few more first RV-12 flights at Independence very soon.
Wow! First of 8 "little birds" to fledge and spread their wings.

I've had to add a trim tab on the rudder also. I would not make it permentant if you are goingt to add wheel pants. Things will change if you do add them.
Is it nice to see the eggs a hatchin'. Kind of a long gestation period, but, it was definitely worth the wait. Kinda like havin' kids. Let's see....what was more fun?? Nevermind! This forum is G-rated.