
Active Member
It seemed to take forever to accumulate the 25 hours of air time stuck in the 25 mile radius of Stettler (as dictated by my flight restrictions). Right around the first week of July, I satisfied these requirements and submitted my paperwork to Transport Canada. It took two weeks for the Edmonton office of Transport Canada to process the paperwork and now I can legally carry a passenger and travel just about anywhere I choose.

My first passenger was my wife Judy, who has been a great supporter of the project since we first drove down to Oregon to pick up the wing and tail section kits eight years ago. Judy helped buck all the tough rivets on the wings and fuselage. She was always willing to crawl into the tail section of the RV to hold the bucking bar and get her teeth rattled by my rivet gun!

We left Stettler on Sunday morning and did a nice wide circle tour of the area. The air was more or less stable and we had a great flight. The workload around the ranch is easing a little as we get caught up and now we can start making day trips to visit friends in other parts of the province.
I just love flying this RV9A!

Cam Andres
C-FTLL RV9A Aerosport IO360
Let me be the first to congratulate you! It is a great feeling and that RV grin on her face is priceless!
Congrats to a Fellow Canuck

Congrats to you and your wife. I am busy trying to get airborne with my RV 7 here in Stony Plain for Spring 2016, cant wait and it is inspirational to see someone so close finish and enjoy.

Thanks for the post!
C-FDJC(not official but requested)
RV 7
Congratulations Cam. It was great getting a chance meet you and sit in that beautiful plane. Enjoy it! My -9A is coming along, a couple of weeks and I'll be rolling the canoe, hope to join you in the sky in a couple of years.
Thanks guys and find your way to Stettler on Labour day

Thanks for the kind words guys. Its great when you can share your project with family and friends.
If you are close to Stettler Alberta, come on in for our Labour Day Pancake breakfast. We usually attract around 100 aircraft and the number of RVs attending keeps creeping up. I try to park the RVs in a group and its a good way to meet other members of the RV family. 8 am to 11 am breakfast is served.
Cam Andres
C-FTLL RV9A with Aerosport IO360