
Well Known Member
Add another one to the list!! This past Monday morning, Charlie Reeves launched his newly minted RV-7 in Tucson. Here is picture just as the mains were leaving the runway. Charlie comes from the plastic airplane world. I tried to tell him about the climb performance of an RV, apparently it has to be experienced as his first statement to me on the phone was, "WOW that this climbs and just want to keep climbing".


And of course the RV grin


Keep pounding gang, it's worth it!!
Another First flight

Thanks Dana! I guess one of these days I'll figure out how to put pictures on this site. Dana's right, I built and fly a KR-2 which is a very small short coupled wood, fiberglass and foam tail wheel aircraft. The climb rate on my 70 hp KR is 700 fpm from a 2000' elevation airport. When I lifted off in the RV the elevator was trimmed neutral and I held it neutral during the climb. My rpm was 2350, AS 120 and VS was 1400. I'm using a Catto fixed pitch 2 blade propeller. I felt like I was riding an elevator. If any of you have riden in a Blackhawk helcopter the sensation is much the same. You feel like you're going staight up! Anyway, she is sure fun to fly. It's worth the time and effort to build and fly one of these great flying machines.
Charlie, RV-7,Tucson AZ
What a tease

Hey Dana,
You are such a tease. I thought that might be YOUR first flight (for the second time).

Congratulations Charlie!

She looks good. Congrats on your first flight.

Now to hear when Dana is going to do his 2nd 1st flight.

Thanks Dana! I guess one of these days I'll figure out how to put pictures on this site. Dana's right, I built and fly a KR-2 which is a very small short coupled wood, fiberglass and foam tail wheel aircraft. The climb rate on my 70 hp KR is 700 fpm from a 2000' elevation airport. When I lifted off in the RV the elevator was trimmed neutral and I held it neutral during the climb. My rpm was 2350, AS 120 and VS was 1400. I'm using a Catto fixed pitch 2 blade propeller. I felt like I was riding an elevator. If any of you have riden in a Blackhawk helcopter the sensation is much the same. You feel like you're going staight up! Anyway, she is sure fun to fly. It's worth the time and effort to build and fly one of these great flying machines.
Charlie, RV-7,Tucson AZ

Aren't these planes fun??????
Congratulations and enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Dana,
You are such a tease. I thought that might be YOUR first flight (for the second time).

Congratulations Charlie!

When I posted Charlie's first flight that last night I couldn't help but chuckle knowing it just might do as you said;)

Anyway, great news for Charlie. We talked again yesterday after he had flown his RV for the second time and put over an hour on it flying an extended race track around his airport. Another flight is scheduled for tomorrow. I'm seeing a flight out west..............after my second first flight:D