
Well Known Member
Kit #41 received it's airworthiness certificate on Sept. 8th and the first flight was last Saturday, September 18th. My EAA technical counselor and multiple RV builder, Troy Grover, was at the controls. The flight went well with only a few minor squawks. It was spectacular to see it leave the ground after 26 months of construction. This forum was indispensable for a first time builder- thanks to all of the "regulars" for the quick response to questions.

The plane needed right rudder and was also right wing heavy. We have the ball finally centered but it took 2 pieces of Avery trim tab to get it there.

The heavy wing has been a bit more of a challenge. We squeezed the trailing edge of the light (left) wing as instructed and also slightly "blunted" the heavy wing but it still wants to move pretty quickly into a right turn. Hoping Scott and/or some of the other early builders can share their experience here. We are considering the addition of a trim tab to one flaperon. Will changing the rigging by adjusting one of the torque tube bearings work to correct this instead? The flaperons had the appropriate "droop" per the PAP (it was at the low end of the allowable range but within nonetheless). Hate to add a trim tab but am not optimistic that more squeezing of the trailing edge will correct it.

Also- one question on RPM. The static RPM at max throttle was very close to 4900, so right in the recommended range. In the air with max throttle, we are only seeing about 5400 (with an airspeed between 115 and 120 kts). Some of the flight tests ask for 5500 so we are shy of that. However, given the airspeeds are right where they should be, I was not sure we should lessen the prop pitch.

We have about 3.5 hrs flight time already and other than the heavy wing, it is a joy to fly! I am still grinning.

I will post some pictures if I can figure out how!

Hey Jeff

Congrats 1st !

Heavy wing. I had one to start with. The flap pinching worked so well for me, I over-did it, and had to go to the other side and do one 'panel', to bring it back. I am NOT using a rudder trim. The flap squeeze can work very well. You need to KNOW you really re-shaped the end, not just hope you did. By the way, the ball was out too, and it corrected both things.

John Bender
How to send your photos

Kit #41 received it's airworthiness certificate on Sept. 8th and the first flight was last Saturday, September 18th. My EAA technical counselor and multiple RV builder, Troy Grover, was at the controls . . .

. . . I will post some pictures if I can figure out how!


Jeff, just attach your photos to an email to me at:

[email protected]

I will post them to the RV-12 Photo Album.

Congratulations, and thanks for the photos!
