
Active Member
New to the 14 kit. Section 5 clearly states no need to debur factory punched final sized holes. (Match drilled, sized- yes debur)

At a x-roads here w/ this for the 14. Seems risky to not debur but Vans' is clear on this.

I'll go w/ Van's reco but.... thoughts? Thanks in advance.
New to the 14 kit. Section 5 clearly states no need to debur factory punched final sized holes. (Match drilled, sized- yes debur)
At a x-roads here w/ this for the 14. Seems risky to not debur but Vans' is clear on this.
I'll go w/ Van's reco but.... thoughts? Thanks in advance.

If you can feel a burr....deburr! PERIOD!

as tooling gets worn, burrs may appear. it is your butt up there so i would do what you think is best. A few minutes wont matter for most builders.

So yes, if you feel a burr, de bur, is the best advice.
For the new, full size hole kits I compromise. I don’t use a debuting tool. I just run a Scotch Brite pad over the holes. I’m happy with the results.

I've noticed as I've progressed in my 14 build that when carefully inspecting each piece, I typically find one side having holes that are super smooth with no burs, and an opposite side with holes having barely perceptible burrs. I always deburr that "opposite" side as a precaution but typically feel no need for the super smooth, no burr side.