
I'm also going Sika only- no holes. I've read all about not drilling the canopy below 70-80 degrees temperature. My question: any problem with just fitting/handling/Sika-ing the canopy in this temperature (I'm in Virginia Beach)? My shop is 50ish with a propane heater (not much insulation). Or do I just wait until July? Thanks in advance.
The temperature consideration is not just for fitting - it is for trimming and handling as well. Once you get the flange cut off, that is one FLOPPY piece of Plexiglas - lots of flexing will go on, no matter how careful you are.

That said, you can bet that someone will post that they fit their canopy outside in a snowstorm. Personally, I don't think I'd do mine at 50. It might be fine, but the consequences of it NOT being fine are not fun....


Thanks Paul. I've got plenty of other things I can do between now and warmer weather. I've just got to store the thing somewhere...
Another "thanks" from Hampton Roads

Thanks from me too, Paul. I'm just 15 miles north of Raz on the peninsula side of the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel. I'll wait a while longer before sawing on the plexiglas.
You 'crack' me up. :p
I bonded my canopy onto the frame on a cool day. (not snowing or anything)
That happens in the Northwest.
But I don't regret it. Most of the recent canopy cracking tales of woe seem to have happened on cold days?
So bonding the canopy on at the mean expected temp *might* be a good idea?
Seems like I did the cutting on the warmest days as per everyone else.
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