
Well Known Member
g'day to everyone. Another 12 kit is heading downunder. After several years of dreaming and scheming, I ordered my emp, wings and fuselage kits on dec31, our time. Good new years gift to myself! Due to get here late march or so. I feel like a kid waiting fot christmas! Busy organising workspace, tools etc. Lots to do, but I'll get there. Look forward to learning, and hopefully being able to contribute a little here. Cheers, Dave
Congratulations, Dave. You'll enjoy building this plane. The kit is really well thought out and very accurately made. We're also an exclusive lot downunder - there's only about a dozen of us so far. Wonder if there's anyone in NZ?
With what we hear on the news you may need to add pontoons to your -12. I hope all is well down-under and you folks dry out soon.

Welcome aboard!
Welcome aboard! I think you are about to enter the longest wait you ever endured! After two months of waiting, it appears my kit is finally going to head my way this week!
Have you got your "customer number" which is in fact your serial number yet?
Rgmwa is correct, the total process has been excellent. I think I had the first one in New Zealand and there are two more that I know about. We are getting the tail end of your weather at the moment but nothing like what we have seen in news in Australia.

RV 120316 working on fuselarge
I am waiting for my empenage kit now, working with my garrage workshop. Taday my tools arrived (from Aircraft Spruce). Great feeling to keep in my own hand tools, clecos, fluting pliers and so on, after watching, watching on YouTube and dreaming... ;)
I think I had the first one in New Zealand and there are two more that I know about. We are getting the tail end of your weather at the moment but nothing like what we have seen in news in Australia.

RV 120316 working on fuselage

Seems like the tally for this part of the southern hemisphere is:

Australia: 2 flying, 10 building, 3 waiting for kits
New Zealand: 3 building

There could well be a few more builders out there, but that's probably a fair summary of the current situation.

Wonder who will be the first to dodge the storms and fly across the Tasman?
Sounds great!!! Who needs about a month of help? There are a couple of us up here where the temperature will not go above zero degC for a month or so. Would be a VERY nice alternative!!
Watch it Marty! My kit should be here any day, it is currently 84 degees here at my house and sunny, and I never built a Vans before! Oh yeah, got a spare bedroom right off my heated and air conditioned workshop for ya.
Just plug in T65 and come on down!

Sounds great!!! Who needs about a month of help? There are a couple of us up here where the temperature will not go above zero degC for a month or so. Would be a VERY nice alternative!!

... come on down to Perth in the sunny west. It's a lovely and warm 100-110 deg F in the workshop most days, and the smoke from the bushfires is impressive. Of course, if you decide to visit the Brisbane area on the east coast, you will need to take an umbrella and waterwings!

Australia's a great place - we have a range of weather to suit all tastes, plus of course all those friendly kangaroos and koalas! :)

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Well done Dave Congrads mate...............I hope to join U this year .. the way things are in this part of the world may have to fit floats to mine..!Cheers John.