
Well Known Member
10 years, 2 months and 25 days after first kit arrival, i obtained my Airworthiness Certificate today.
What a journey - totally awesome. I cant imagine what i would have wasted all that time on had i not built my own airplane. One that outperforms most commercial aircraft. New friends, new places to visit, great vendors providing quality products and great service. This forum provided countless number of ideas and motivation to keep pounding those rivets. So for all you just starting, keep at it. The feeling when your DAR says OK and hands u that Cert is amazingly satisfying. Second only im sure to the feeling that awaits me when i complete my first flight. Thank you all!!!
The RV GRIN awaits !!
Congratulations! I know the feeling having finished my -7A in January. I now have around 60 hours and recently flew to Myrtle Beach for a couple days at Bike Week. The usual 4.5 hour drive was 1.5 cruising at 2350 RPM @ 120 kts IAS with 135-140 ground speed. The speed should pickup quite a bit after I get the gear fairings installed.
It was great seeing your project a couple of weeks ago. Have a safe Phase 1 and then let's meet up for a lunch flight somewhere.


Good things come to those with patience and the will to stick to it. Looking forward to getting see the completed baby in person. It's been to long since my last visit to your garage (though I have flown over your house a bunch of times).

Looking forward to seeing you next month. What's you hangar number?

Hey. I could have shaved a year off if I hadn't hung out at your hangar helping you. LOL.
Party at Chuck's hangar where we had the EAA Xmas dinners. Plane will be there. Will be good to see u & your plane. Wife too, if she tags along.
I have 7 hours in Rueven's 7A but want a few more. Weather cancelled my flite with him tomorrow. Rescheduled for next Tuesday. First flite in mine will be shortly thereafter. Anticipation ........😉
Van's # 9700

Yesterday 6/16 was first flite of my Vanessa. According to Van's site they claim 9,699 flyers. So I have identified mine as # 9,700. And the 1,581st RV7/A. Rocket Man Fred Laforge and RV9A Doug Kott were there for guidance. Short 30 minute flite. The RV grin was acquired, and still there today. Getting her set up and dialed in will be FUN. If u have a Dynon VPX panel, make sure u calibrate your flaps. Hope to be headed to OSH next month. Keep banging them rivets!
Curious what your top speed is without the gear fairings. Mine was around 155K all out and could get almost to 2600 RPM. I just finished installing the gear fairings but haven't yet flown to see how much the gear drag was slowing me down.

According to the build manual, the drag of a non-A robs 12-15 MPH, which equates to 27 HP.