
Well Known Member
I had to brag that my wife, Myra, passed her IFR check ride on the first try. I guess I'll always be in the right seat now.
That is great! Congratulations. Did she train and checkride in that beautiful RV? I got my instrument late last year, but I elected to do it in a Cessna!
Great work.

An instrument rating will do more for her/anyones flying skills than anything else. Planning, decission making, hand flying, weather.....it is the best training to do.

I may be preaching to the converted but those who have not done it, may not quite understand.

The secret now is to use it and often for the next year or two, and another check ride in 12 months to keep on the ball. And do some night stuff and even better black hole departures and arrivals while it is all fresh in her memory.

Black holes are about the most dangerous aspects of flight. And in the USA they are not as common as you think.

Congratulations....and enjoy the right seat! :D
IFR checkride

I'm working on my instrument rating now and I need to find an examiner. I see you are in Florida. I will be needing an examiner who will give me a checkride in an RV. Who was her examiner and will the examiner give the checkride in an RV or did she take her checkride in a Cessna? I'm on the west coast in the Tampa Bay area. Thanks
Unfortunately MJ had to do her training and check ride in Cessna's. I guess that ride is going to cost us some upgrade money in the near future. The examiner we used is a gentleman by the name of George Argy (spelling?) here in Pembroke Pines. Myra could only say how helpful and thorough he was on the ride and how he helped ally any nervousness she was experiencing. A very experienced and competent examiner.
I agree with you, while doing flight testing I found myself in and unusual attitude and quickly reverted to my instrument training skills and turned the aircraft correctly back to level flight. It was a hazy day and I could not see the horizon. Instrument training is absolutely worth the money and time. I also noticed since I was a low time pilot that it helped my flying skills all around.