

After three years and one month, I received my pink slip. I want to thank good friends and a supportive wife for making this happen.
she's a beauty

Congratulations again Bob. Hey, who is that lady looking over the DAR's shoulder?
Only a couple of weeks in front of you, I can say with're going to LOVE flying that plane! Get it reassembled and get in the air!
More pics will be coming

Hoping for first flight weekend of April 5th. That will depend on weather. Bob
Jealousy Rears Its Head!

I am green with envy. Good luck with the first flight and all subsequent enjoyment of your bird.
Congratulations !!! You'll love the 8. They're awesome. The paint job looks sweet too !!! Army Air Corps with invasion stripes? Post some paint job pictures if you get time please.

Congrats Bob! I'm about a year behind you and looking forward to the day when I get my pink slip. Looks like a sweet looking plane. I think we need some pics in the tail art section.

Congrats Bob!!!!

I have to admit that I'm a bit green with envy as well.....
I seem to be going for the 'longest build' record!
See you on the 4th!
A few pictures




These are some pics I had on my phone from a while back. I'm not home this weekend, so this is the best I can do for now. The outside shot is from first engine start. I hope you like the paint job, I love it. Bob