
Good morning all.
First post and just took the plunge! Well, given delivery schedules, I’ll take the plunge in 11 months when my tail kit comes.

A very brief bio- first plane kit or otherwise so not too familiar with GA but I’m a 27 year airline pilot. So I can at least talk on the radio. That’s all I can promise at this point. I’ve built houses, restored cars and have every tool known to man other than of course anything to do with aircraft sheet metal. That will change shortly. I’m also not “pilot sized”. Ex-football player here and I’m 6’5” and 265 on a good day. I had been looking at C-210’s but became disgusted with their prices and conditions. $225k for a 50 year old airplane with orange shag carpeting and a mid-time motor. No thanks.
So…. Not too early to start asking questions I suppose.. and yes, I realize this question is random and out of order and should probably be asking how to build the toolbox first but I have a ton of questions and ideas swirling around and this just happens to be one of them.
Regarding the -10. My plan is to have a flying Audi. I really into nice interiors. I’ve been watching the magic of AxiationX aircraft interiors on can do on older aircraft on youtube and logging all sorts of cool ideas.
I initially was a fan of the Aerosport overhead console but given my height, I’m thinking of forgoing any sort of overhead console. I know I can put eyeball vents in the panel for the front two seats but what about the rear seats? Can eyeball vents be incorporated into a center armrest between the two front seats? The headliner will most likely be quilted Alcantara with a ¼” foam backing.
I’m simply trying to create a roadmap for the next 6 years. I look forward to hearing your ideas and eventually being able to contribute to this wonderful community.
Paul Hansen
Camas, WA
Congratulations Paul and welcome to the world of RV’s!

Lots of things to think about till your kit arrives for sure.
With regards to the vents in the rear there is one on either side just behind the front seats that blasts out of the side of the fuselage for the folks in the rear.

The other thing you could do is make a modified console to just bring fresh air overhead to just the rear seats. Prior to the release of aftermarket consoles many builders fabricated their own.

Definitely do the practice kits and try and hook up with a fellow builder near you to get some help and of course theirs a boatload of help here on VAF.

Welcome. An overhead console should not matter one way or the other as the cabin is wide enough that it isn't a factor. Yes the console can have vents at all four seats. You can even mount eyeball vents made by Boeing.

The cabin doors have an interior recess for tall heads especially with headsets on. I have heard of folks shaving down the seat bottom cushion a bit but I don't think it will be necessary as simply reclining the seat gives more room. You will have an option to vary the rudder pedal position a bit but it is pretty much a permanent move once you set it as far as the axle point of the pedals goes.

I've carried some pretty big and tall folks in my airplane and to a man they all say that it was surprisingly comfortable. Much more so much than they expected from from looking at it from the outside.
Good morning all.
I really into nice interiors. I’ve been watching the magic of AxiationX aircraft interiors on can do on older aircraft on youtube and logging all sorts of cool ideas.

Congrats Paul. Welcome to the madness.

I'm not far ahead of you working on the tail of a -10, and also thinking a mix of available panels with select materials and custom seats. Will look forward to following what you find.

I've seen the AviationX videos too. They do amazing work. Do you know if they work on experimental, or ranges for what they charge?

A VAF user pointed out the quality of the SR22 interiors. I would love to find a way to recreate this sort of feel.


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I don't think you need to eliminate the Aerosport overhead console from consideration. I am 6'-7" tall and installed their overhead console and don't have any issues with headroom. Basically, the console runs down the center of the plane, and doesn't intrude into the head space.

One thing to consider is to have Oregon Aero do your seat upholstery. They make the front seats for Van's, and so I had Van's leave the seats with them rather than ship them to me. I then worked with Oregon Aero on the leather upholstery I wanted, had them do matching rear seats, and then ship the completed seats to me. I am very happy with the seats, both comfort and appearance. Probably not the cheapest option available, but they do really nice work.

Enjoy the journey. Lots of decisions to make.
Good morning all.
First post and just took the plunge! Well, given delivery schedules, I’ll take the plunge in 11 months when my tail kit comes.

A very brief bio- first plane kit or otherwise so not too familiar with GA but I’m a 27 year airline pilot. So I can at least talk on the radio. That’s all I can promise at this point. I’ve built houses, restored cars and have every tool known to man other than of course anything to do with aircraft sheet metal. That will change shortly. I’m also not “pilot sized”. Ex-football player here and I’m 6’5” and 265 on a good day. I had been looking at C-210’s but became disgusted with their prices and conditions. $225k for a 50 year old airplane with orange shag carpeting and a mid-time motor. No thanks.
So…. Not too early to start asking questions I suppose.. and yes, I realize this question is random and out of order and should probably be asking how to build the toolbox first but I have a ton of questions and ideas swirling around and this just happens to be one of them.
Regarding the -10. My plan is to have a flying Audi. I really into nice interiors. I’ve been watching the magic of AxiationX aircraft interiors on can do on older aircraft on youtube and logging all sorts of cool ideas.
I initially was a fan of the Aerosport overhead console but given my height, I’m thinking of forgoing any sort of overhead console. I know I can put eyeball vents in the panel for the front two seats but what about the rear seats? Can eyeball vents be incorporated into a center armrest between the two front seats? The headliner will most likely be quilted Alcantara with a ¼” foam backing.
I’m simply trying to create a roadmap for the next 6 years. I look forward to hearing your ideas and eventually being able to contribute to this wonderful community.
Paul Hansen
Camas, WA

Price increase starting this Sunday from Vans. You might want to maybe put in an order for the wings now too?

From Vans... "Van’s kit prices for new orders will be increasing this weekend on Sunday, February 20th at 11:59 p.m. This change affects our standard kit prices and reflects increases in the cost to produce kit parts. QuickBuild kit prices will increase by the same amount as their standard kit counterparts. The increase for each kit varies significantly since the new prices reflect the actual increased price of each part in a kit, but the average increase across the board is around 6.3%. Again, while we’re sharing this information ahead of time this go-round, we won’t be able to do so in the future."
Order it all

At a 6.3% increase, I'd likely order the fuselage and finishing kits too. With the lead times published, you will might be ready for the wings by the time they arrive.

At a 6.3% increase, I'd likely order the fuselage and finishing kits too. With the lead times published, you will might be ready for the wings by the time they arrive.

If you go by what Greg at Vans just said, I think the lead times are going to come down drastically. if true, than do you want money in the bank earning interest, or fuse in a crate out back waiting to be started....
Interior room

I’m a little over 6’4 and have no issues with enough headroom including headsets in several 10’s I’ve flown. One had the rudder peddles in the middle position. For the 14 I had a street rod guy do the interior and people say it’s like sitting in a Massarati. Very comfortable and reasonable. Good luck and welcome to VAF, great bunch of knowledgeable aviation enthusiasts!!
Tell me more about this interest thing you speak of :D

My bank deposits are doing well to earn 0.1% APR. With inflation ramping up to 7% per month in some optional :p sectors like food, being able to lock in a future price on a durable commodity like airplane parts seems to be the better investment. If there was any way I could use my existing savings to buy and store all the food, clothing, appliances, vehicles and fuel I'm likely to need for the remainder of my life, I would not hesitate to do so. Sadly, not practical even with adequate cash on hand.

Inflation, it seems to me, rewards those sitting on debt or durable goods, not those with money in the bank or under the mattress.
Maybe by “Bank” he meant a vanguard account.. easy to open and fund. Should compensate for the 6% hike..
Thank you all for all the input and advice! I have a lot to consider for sure. I took a demo flight in Van’s yellow bird and of course that was pretty spartan on the inside and no overhead console. Tons of headroom! I will have to sit in one equipped with the overhead console before I decide. The idea of making my own is intriguing. I imagine the process would be to use pink insulation foam to form the basic shape and then glass.
Regarding the price increase, I had a reminder set to order the wings in May- trying to time their delivery 5 months after the tail kit arrives. But it looks like I’ll be ordering the wing kit tonight.
Thanks again all. Much appreciated.
Congrats Paul. Welcome to the madness.

I'm not far ahead of you working on the tail of a -10, and also thinking a mix of available panels with select materials and custom seats. Will look forward to following what you find.

I've seen the AviationX videos too. They do amazing work. Do you know if they work on experimental, or ranges for what they charge?

A VAF user pointed out the quality of the SR22 interiors. I would love to find a way to recreate this sort of feel.

And yes, this is exactly what I’m thinking about. Let’s face it, the bling is part of the fun! For me it’s no different than owning a hot rod or nice modern car. Aviation X is on my call list. I would assume they will work on anything.
You have plenty of time to decide. Go to SnF or Osh and ask some -10 owners if you can sit inside. Im a good sized individual and opted to go without the center and overhead. Others love having all the options. At the end of the day, build your plane to meet your needs and you will be happy with the results.

Welcome to the-10 club!
I am well on my way, working on wiring in the panel.
I went with Aerosport on the interior and th Advanced Panel from AFS
I am using the overhead console to route both the A/C & OX systems
I am also using Aerosport for the interior, seats, headliner, side panels, center console quadrant and carpet. I don’t know of a better system for panel & interior and they have been good to work with.

It may not end up being Lexus standards, but ought to impress & be comfotable
Let me know if you want to take a look. I am just across the river in Canby OR

Jim Frisbie
RV 9A 900hrs
RV 10 in process
Hi Paul-

Welcome, noticed you are in Camas. Come on out to Grove sometime, plenty of RV's on the field, however no 10's that I am aware of currently.

I do have one friend that is in Bend often with a recently completed 10 and the Aerosport overhead. I am 6'4" as well and had no headroom issues at all when I've been in it.
