
Well Known Member
A few days ago when I finished preparing the parts for the brake pedals, I decided not to prime or paint them or rivet them together just yet, thinking I would consider options about colors for paint, what the interior of my cabin will look like, etc. I've been giving these considerations a lot of thought, but I haven't made any decisions yet. Then, I was looking at my wing spars. They're hard-anodized in a beautiful gold color. They're gorgeous. And I know from all the experience I have when I built my wings just how durable and hard the anodized aluminum is. Then it occurred to me that I have flashlights and other common items that are made of anodized aluminum. They keep a beautiful appearance for a very long time despite everyday use and abuse. So I decided, why not look into having my brake pedals anodized? Surely it wouldn't cost much for a few little parts. And my hunch is, it will be tougher and last longer than paint. It doesn't add any weight. I think I recall even seeing an example or two online over the last year or two, of other builders who have chosen to have parts anodized. I thought of having them powdercoated, too. But I wanted to check this out first.

What is anodizing, anyway? Well, I learned that anodizing is not the same thing as metal plating. It's not a coating, either. You're not adding a layer of anything to the metal. You're chemically changing it. It's an electrolytic process for producing controlled aluminum oxide films on aluminum. The electrochemical process both thickens and strengthens the naturally-occurring oxide. The resulting finish is extremely hard and exceptionally wear resistant, according to what I read. I didn't realize that you can get aluminum anodized in a rainbow of different colors!

A quick google search turned up roughly a dozen anodizing shops here in my city. Wow! I had no idea there were so many. So I grabbed all the brake pedal parts and went to the closest one, about 5 min. away, to check into it. They have a minimum shop fee of $50, as it turns out, so I prepared to leave. But the guy lowered the price and gave me a 20% discount. In retrospect, I think the best thing would be for two or three builders to go together on a batch of parts and split the cost. That would make it even more reasonable. Anyway, the company I went with is called Apex Anodizing if you're interested. They also have a shop in Nevada. The district manager, Jim Malnar, was very nice, helpful, and totally committed to my satisfaction. I was impressed that a small one-time customer like me would get this kind of attention from high level management.

I decided to go with the Bright Dip Fiery Red color and to have the anodizing done before riveting, so the rivets would show and contrast with the color. I really like the brassy look of the flush rivets next to this color. They're the same color as the AN-3 bolts and nuts used for the hardware. The color of the master cylinders matches the hardware and rivets, too. It's a perfect match.


After a couple of days, they were ready. I was so excited about how gorgeous the parts looked, that I set to work immediately when I got home and riveted them all together. These rivets can all be squeezed easily. Here's another close-up shot:


Tonight was our monthly Chapter 105 meeting. I finished these up just in time before heading out the door, so I took them with me for a little show-and-tell. Once a year, our chapter has one of our regular monthly meetings at Van's Aircraft. It's always one of the most popular meetings of the year. The factory is open for a walk-through tour, an update from some of the staff on what's going on at Vans, a few words of wisdom from Van, and time to hang out in the hanger and look at all the planes. To top it off, Vans provides pizza and sodas for everyone. How can you beat that? A good number of planes flew in for the event, too. We had over 80 people attend. I had fun passing these around. I got a lot of very nice comments and compliments, including one from Van himself.

Well, when I got back home, I just had to see what these pedals will look like mounted in place on the rudder pedals. Here they are, ready to go:

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Lookin Good


Now would be the time to consider long pivot bolts, and/or return springs. Much easier to do before installation in the fuse.
Finish before Anodize


I live up the road in Olympia but have no shop here that does this work, sounds like this might be the way to go. I do have one question since I plan to go the same route. How did you finish the parts before sending them to be anodized, did you polish them just scuff them or what. I was thinking of a light bead blast to give them a satin finish. Just curious what you can up with.

Non Skid

Nice color application, Bruce.

I went an alternate route with "hardcoat" anodizing which is more wear resistant than the colored varieties. (tighter and smaller crystals that resist colorant penetration). In regards to color, you get some shade of black\green\grey with hardcoat, so it is certainly a tradeoff. Beforehand, I punched a myriad of "volcano" marks in the pedal surface to give a natural grip that will never wear off.

In regards to the finishing question, anodizing hides absolutely nothing, and even accentuates some things. The parts you want to coat must look exactly like you want them before surface conversion.

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I live up the road in Olympia but have no shop here that does this work, sounds like this might be the way to go. I do have one question since I plan to go the same route. How did you finish the parts before sending them to be anodized, did you polish them just scuff them or what. I was thinking of a light bead blast to give them a satin finish. Just curious what you can up with.



Bill is correct. You want all the finishing work done first because the anodizing hides nothing. Plus, I didn't think they would spend any time doing it for me. Not without more cost anyway. I didn't invest an enormous amount of time in it, but I did carefully deburr everything beforehand and polish it on my fine scotchbrite wheel. The final touch was done using a maroon scotchbrite pad by hand, carefully working in one direction only to leave the nice satin finish I wanted. Let us all know how yours turn out!


Now would be the time to consider long pivot bolts, and/or return springs. Much easier to do before installation in the fuse.

Thanks! What's this about long pivot bolts and/or return springs? This is new to me. Where can I learn more about your suggestion?


Thanks! What's this about long pivot bolts and/or return springs? This is new to me. Where can I learn more about your suggestion?


There is a ton of info in the archives, if you are not familiar with the "search" function, now would be a good chance to learn.

Here is one thread----be sure to follow the links contained in it.

Good luck.
Nice pedals

I could spend all day, upside down in your cockpit staring at those pedals.:D Beautiful job. Nice thinking with the rivets too. The combination looks great. Thank goodness for you folks with style. Since I am not that creative I will definitely be stealing a few ideas when I build my plane!
Anodize before assembly

Wow! Looks great. You've raised the bar for beauty.

...and to have the anodizing done before riveting, so the rivets would show and contrast with the color.

I just want to say that in my experience, it is better to anodize parts before assembly because the chemicals used in the process may be trapped in tight spaces possibly causing corrosion or discoloration. Other metals will react differently than aluminum. I'm not sure but rivets not of aluminum would probably dissolve, they are unlikely to be perfectly protected or protectable.
Installed Long Bolts

Just an update to let you know that I got around to installing the long bolts in my brake pedals. I wanted to get this done before installing them in the plane. After doing my own searching and reading in the forums, I became totally convinced that this is the way to go. I may even end up adding springs later on.

I measured carefully and ended up buying a pair of AN3-56 bolts from Genuine Aircraft Hardware. The fit was perfect.


About an hour later:



More pictures and commentary can be seen on my website log entry here:

Installing Long Bolts

Just an update to let you know that I got around to installing the long bolts in my brake pedals.

About an hour later:



Bruce, You have installed the bolts in the wrong direction!!!! :eek:

The outside pedals must have the bolts inserted with the NUT to the cable side.
If you install them the way that they are, you can't get the bolt out, and you can't remove the pedal............:(
Thank you!


THANK YOU!!! Good point! You're saving me from a blunder here. I hadn't thought about that. I may have noticed that possibility when installing them in the plane, but probably not. It's funny that this isn't mentioned in any of the stuff I read. Thanks again for bringing it to my attention now.

I'll spend a few minutes to correct it before the installation. I'll post an update on my website, too, with a comment about it.