
Well Known Member
Join us for our annual EAA Flyin!

Planes, pilots, cheap fuel and food...whats not to like? :p

No pressure, no show, come and go as you please!


50nm = white
100nm = yellow
150nm = green
200nm = blue
250nm = red

I'm not to far from you guys, down in Benton, TN. The only problems are I am still a student pilot, and hae only just bought my tool kit :=)

Would you guys mind if I showed up by car instead of RV?

If the 172 and my CFI are available, I might be able to bring the old 172 up, and use it as cross country training time.
I'm not to far from you guys, down in Benton, TN. The only problems are I am still a student pilot, and hae only just bought my tool kit :=)

Would you guys mind if I showed up by car instead of RV?

If the 172 and my CFI are available, I might be able to bring the old 172 up, and use it as cross country training time.

We don't shun anyone! Come on down!
Did you just mention cheap fuel and Morristown in the same post, or was that a typo?
I would like to come but sadly have to work.
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Did you just mention cheap fuel and Morristown in the same post, or was that a typo?
I would like to come but sadly have to work.

It is true...

For some strange reason the FBO owner takes pity on the EAA chapter's Flyin and gives a huge break on fuel. He says it is at his cost.

The rest of the year not so much :( but we definitely don't complain about this special day of the year!
FL to TN

My dad and I are thinking of flying my -4 up tomorrow morning from Punta Gorda, FL to Jacksboro, Tennessee and then attending the fly in on Saturday. Is anyone else from Florida or Georgia heading up tomorrow or at all?
My dad and I are thinking of flying my -4 up tomorrow morning from Punta Gorda, FL to Jacksboro, Tennessee and then attending the fly in on Saturday. Is anyone else from Florida or Georgia heading up tomorrow or at all?

Hi Jesse. Weather permitting, my wife and I are heading to Augusta, GA tomorrow with thoughts of KMOR fly-in Saturday. Probably launching around 0900 from Venice. Looking forward to meeting Brian. I have corresponded with him but never pressed the flesh.... What there is left of him :D :D
Can't wait to meet you Brian.
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Hi Gary,
I saw you land but by the time I made it over to your plane you and your wife had disappeared into the crowd. I missed meeting Brantel too but did get to meet a lot of other friendly folks. I'll see you back in FL sometime soon. We are leaving JAU in the morning as soon as the clouds lift up out of the valleys. Have safe flight home!
Thanks to all the RV's that showed up today. I think there were at least 10-12 RV's and one F1 Rocket.

Got to meet Gary in person and that was cool.

Sorry I missed the others as I was busy parking airplanes and keeping the pedestrians from killing themselves! :eek:

We had a great crowd and tons of airplanes. Flyovers by some P47's and we had a top notch P-51 "Ain't Misbehavin" show up and spend the day with us including some flyby's.

We had some Knoxville News coverage this year again:

It is tough to pull off an open to the public fly-in with such a small chapter. We only have about 8-10 folks!
Brian, Tim and Bob!

Thanks for having us over!! I think the job you guys do is borderline miraculous (sp?)!!! I had a great time and thanks for the mention!

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I flew from Venice to Augusta yesterday and decided to make the 200nm jaunt to Morristown this morning. I wasn't disappointed!!

Great day for a fly-in and Brian's (Brantel on VAF) EAA chapter 1494 put on a terrific one, especially considering that they have a very small chapter. Lots of unique aircraft and some great looking RV's.

Met some RV builders and owners (Hi Matt). It was a blast.

I was lucky enough to catch Brian on a break from his fly-in duties. He looks terrific and feels great. We had lunch and then it was back to work for him and off to see the airplanes for me.

(Sorry that I'm not at my Mac and can't figure out this new fangled pc software so I can't composite photos :D)

Hey Vlad, thought I might catch you here (Barnwell) as I refueled for the over the mountains flight to Morristown.


Over the mountains we go....


There she is....KMOR


Finally got to meet THE MAN himself....


The airport staff provided rides for those who have yet to taste flight.....and they did it safely. Other chapters take note.


to be continued....Airplane pics, I promise.
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Too soon over and I headed back East to Augusta....


OK, the P-51 is clear.... let's roll


Thanks Chapter 1494 and Brian, in particular, for a great day of flying.


For those of you still building, it get's better fast as soon as your finish. For those on the fence, What are you waiting for?
Nice Fly-In

This was a very nice Fly-In. My wife and I were on our way back from a vacation in the Smokey Mts and I saw in that there was a fly-in at Morristown on Saturday. We got to meet fellow RVers Brian, Gary and Jesse.

Wish I could have flown in. Maybe next year.
Hi Gary,
I saw you land but by the time I made it over to your plane you and your wife had disappeared into the crowd. I missed meeting Brantel too but did get to meet a lot of other friendly folks. I'll see you back in FL sometime soon. We are leaving JAU in the morning as soon as the clouds lift up out of the valleys. Have safe flight home!

Sorry I missed you Jesse. Come and visit Venice when you get a chance.

Vlad, Thanks.... Following in your footprints :D