
Well Known Member
Well Shantel, the airplane, and I made it safe to Osh at 5pm. 1 fuel stop and 1 field closed due to IFR conditions which resulted in another fuel stop and wait along with about 75 of my closest friends at C47 and once the field went VFR, we blasted this way. Let’s just say the arrival was not flown at 1800’!

I ran all the way from the back row of HBC to the GES shack to get our box we shipped up here (54lbs).... lucky for me they were still open! Lesson learned, don’t put your tent in the box!

We are in row 313 by the cell towers right next to Dan Horton.
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Happy to hear you made it out & arrived safely.
I've always enjoyed Saturday arrivals as I enjoy Sundays on the flight line.

I'm looking to head out early tomorrow morning with an arrival before the beer tasting. :)
We?re here. HBC, south end of row 318. Look for the only RV10 without a canopy cover ? we left ours behind.:mad:

Currently drinking beer with Kyle at the SOS bros. :D
Shantel and I are eating Mexican at the North end of the field with some new Texan friends we made.

Man this is what Osh is all about!

The margarita?s help!
Eh, so I took the airlines at the last moment -- made the decision at 08:30 this morning in Savannah. Even so, weather avoidance gave us an, ahem, indirect route. But I'm here, safe and sound. I won't be giving any demo rides here, and I won't have the side trip to Michigan like I wanted, but I'm here.
Shantel and I are eating Mexican at the North end of the field with some new Texan friends we made.

Man this is what Osh is all about!

The margarita?s help!

Glad you made it Brian! Like I said, gotta have a little faith. I plan on heading up tomorrow morning.
Not quite yet, but we did make it safely to Watertown today. Managed to squeak in under the overcast, and conducted my first-ever landing in rain when we got here. It was looking great until I was on about a one-mile final, when the rain started. I could still see the runway, so we continued.

And by some miracle, at our previous stop, I found a hotel room here, so we're actually sleeping in a real bed, unlike what looked like ten or so people preparing to bed down at the FBO.

Tomorrow should be fun. Whenever the field goes VFR, I expect the Ripon arrival to be quite a furball.
Made it in last night around 6:30. What a zoo. I went back to Ripon at least three maybe four times. Then I was slow flying down the railroad tracks at 65 kts trying to give a Cessna time to pull ahead for spacing. He kept slowing because the conga line was so bunched up. Didn?t work so he got sent around by ATC. The poor tower controllers were at red line trying to keep everyone from killing each other. They told me to turn base but never told me which dot because another controller started talking over her....I just put it down on the purple dot and taxied to parking in the rain. On the north side of the homebuilders pavilion. At least I?m close to the coffee!
Looks like the weather is going to break at lunchtime - forecast says 3000' by 1pm, depending on what source you're using. Going to be a free-for-all after that, could be interesting!
I made it in with Mikey on Thursday afternoon - pushed through a lull in the weather across Iowa and an hour later it had exploded into that mass of tornadoes that hit the center of the state.

Louise arrived yesterday in our big lumbering beast (Tundra) after spending two nights in Yankton.

All safe!
We made it Saturday at about 1700. Was 5 miles from Ripon when the call came from approach that the field went IFR. Scrambled back to Portage to wait and gas up. Took of in the rain a few hours after that and got in line. Ceiling pushed us down several times along along the way but made it ok. Now sitting in our tent having coffee wishing I had brought some warmer clothes! Going from 105 to 65 is a shock!
Sitting over here in central Michigan and we are low IFR, well below my minimums and way below my lake crossing minimums! Hopefully get there tomorrow. Save some beer!
Row 333

Andi and I made it after a nice lunch stop at sconnie rapids. Arrival was as fun as I told Andi it would be!
Row 332

Sandy and I made it in today. We are in Row 332, N829MS. The HBC beerfest was fun glad to see so many people.
Still in Watertown. Two failed attempts at getting in at Ripon yesterday. Gonna retry at o-dark-thirty tomorrow, otherwise I suppose it'll be FLD for us.
We made the trip all the way yesterday, had an IFR slot at 2pm into UNU after a fuel stop near South Bend. Broke out at 1000’ so scooted on up to find a fur ball at Ripon and over the lake. M’lady said a lot of bad words. Got lucky and was able to gently nudge the plane into a ‘trickle arrival’ after getting cut off a couple times at the lake. All good now, great beer tasting with friends last night, good coffee now, one week wonder this afternoon, beer fairy tonight, rinse, repeat . . . :)
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Tried Saturday afternoon but it was just too crazy. Diverted to Wautoma and camped there last night. Made it in early this morning and it was already crazy busy. HBC row 316 at the very southern end. Glad to be here!
Made it in late Sunday after a long day flying in from Clearwater & skud running along with Mike from Venice in his RV6.
I was fortunate to be one of the last ones in at 7:45.

My first Ripon attempt was around 5:30, I decided to bug out to Dodge County as they kept sending all from Fisk back to Ripon. Some were in a hold for 2 hours while others kept getting sent back due to spacing & cutting the line.

My second attempt at 7:25, the controllers began sending some aircraft to alternate airports. Although they said no more landings accepted, many were allowed to continue. I was beyond Ripon>Fisk & finally lined up for a 5 mile final to 09. I kept waiting for them to explicily send me to my alternate. I must have been in stealth mode. Anyway, the ground controllers directed me to the tower, ident & they cleared me in.:D

Happy to be here.
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