
I'm New Here
New to VAF and the Baltimore/WDC area. Hoping someone can recommend a shop suitable for performing an annual on my RV-9A. Recommendations are greatly appreciated.

Thank you !

- Greg
"Annual" Condition Inspection

New to VAF and the Baltimore/WDC area. Hoping someone can recommend a shop suitable for performing an annual on my RV-9A. Recommendations are greatly appreciated.

Thank you !

- Greg

Greg, unlike a factory made certified aircraft, an experimental, amateur built aircraft only requires an A&P to sign the inspection as "In a condition for safe operation". Not that it meets all the normal airworthiness requirements and type certificate details of a certified aircraft (an A&P with an Inspection Authorization is required for that). Knowing this might ease your search for a willing A&P to do your inspection.

By the way, you should use the right terminology. EAB aircraft do not have "Annual Inspections" they are called, properly "Yearly Condition Inspections"