Well Known Member
Sorry for the late post regarding this. I am doing my annual ice cream gathering. The particulars are below:

Location: Inyokern, CA (IYK)
Time: 1200
Date: March 5th

My wife and I are trying to prepare for this event (buy ice cream, cones, water, get enough chairs, etc.) If you get a chance (and your are coming or planning on coming), can you please email me or PM me with the number of people that you are bringing? That would help my wife and I tremendously.

For my hangar location please visit Go to the "About us" section. Make sure you are familiar with the air space around the airport. Stay away from the red color areas shown on my website. Click 3 times on 122.8 for weather info. If you need to get in touch with me, you can call me on 122.8. I will have a handheld. Expect to park across from my hangar. Park facing South on the taxiway, we will push your plane back onto the dirt. See you in a few days.
the weather looks good and everything it set. I bought some fuel today and it
was $4.43/gal. If you don't know me, I will be wearing a bright yellow shirt
(come find me). As of right now we have about 50 people showing up and about 20 planes. Keep your radio on as you taxi to my hangar. I may have to park you in a different area. My wife and I are looking forward to this. See you tomorrow.

Would love to attend, but unfortunately I don't have a flyable airplane right now. Next year for certain!

We had a GREAT time at Inyokern in Axel & Alisha's Hangar with several RVs stopping by Rosamond first for lunch before flying out;


We departed in three groups in about 20 minutes, and the airplanes filled up boths sides of the available ramp space;



Thanks again for having us all over for Ice Cream Axel and Alisha! :D Rosie
Ice Cream........... Ice Cream......

It's 42f here, cloudy and the last thing I need is sunny pictures of you Valley Boys sucking on popsicles at this time of year - Ha :mad:
Looks like you all had a nice time. My copilot is a little under the weather
for a few weeks. Maybe we can make it next time. Nice to see a picture
of Laird's nice RV-6 (and his lovely wife).
Just wanted to extend my gratitude. My wife and I had a great time and enjoyed meeting everyone. I do wish I could have spent more time with each individual however, I was not able to due to everything that was going on. If fact I was only able to eat half a piece of ice cream cake.

It was a very successful event. I counted 19 aircraft and approximately 60 people. No mishaps. We did have 2 mechanical issues. One RV was not able to depart Chino in the morning. And one had to be hand propped on the way out of here. We lucked out with the weather yesterday. Today I walked outside and the winds are about 20 knots. The formation arrivals, departures and low approaches were very well liked. Just so you know we had 7 Navy/Marine test pilots in the crowd. In typical fashion for pilots they were cracking jokes and telling me “my boys need to tighten up”.

I do want to apologize for the local buffoon on the radio. That guy is always conducting himself in that manner around here. Hopefully it did not ruin your time.

Once it was all said and done, I went flying. I shared the RV grin with 4 people that have never flown in a small aircraft before. One had never flown at all. Happy to report that no one got sick. For more pictures of the event go here

Thanks once again. And see you next year.
Axel and Alisha









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Good time had by all. We got some pictures as well, but those here are more than enough. I even made it into one. (i am the guy with the stick)

I still need to do grips and grins with Axel. He was one busy bubba on Saturday.
sorry to have missed it

the ice cream sound great and it looks like you all had a great time.

I just wish I could find a hat like that to fit over my headset..