
Well Known Member
Shantel and I arrived around 14:45. Blasted off from KMOR around 09:30 with a stop for fuel in Danville Illinois.

Amazed at how many planes are here in HBC already considering it is Friday!
I dropped her off at the Continental booth around noon today and drove home for some AC. Go say hello, she is 1 yr old today (and ~320hrs.)
See you tomorrow Brian if the weather holds. Looking forward to seeing your new RV-10. ��
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Been watching the weather and now they are calling for pretty solid thunder storms for tomorrow and Sunday! Monday looks clear but I can see thousands of planes all charging to get in, a situation possibly even worse than last years disaster!

Really disappointing after planning for the beer event all year!
Made it to Appleton because they have closed down all grass parking. Means they aren?t letting a one in. Can?t see it drying up by tomowwow either.
Been watching the weather and now they are calling for pretty solid thunder storms for tomorrow and Sunday! Monday looks clear but I can see thousands of planes all charging to get in, a situation possibly even worse than last years disaster!

Really disappointing after planning for the beer event all year!

Why not plan another beer event for Wednesday? Ought to be plenty of late arrivals to enjoy it.
Got here Friday afternoon...

...and have just endured our third major thunderstorm event. Last night was very, very wet. Grass parking closed for now. Possibility of more rain today.

Literally couldn?t be happier. :)
Airplane is nailed to the ground at FDL and I’m actually thinking that’s a very good thing at the present time.

Sloppy wet conditions prevail.

May leave it there all week if OSH doesn’t dry out a little more or gets more precipitation.

X-ing my fingers and going with WeatherSpork’s forecast that once Monday hits, fair weather will rule. Until then, bummed I got close, but no cigar....
Tanya and I are here of course. Just having a ball in HBC. We’re all dried out (almost). After the great tent collapse of 2019.
We?re here in HBC too. Weathered last night?s storm without issue. Currently at SOS Bros drinking beer and waiting for delivery food.
I made it HBC the morning, row 336 right off the taxiway.

Our tent collapsed during the first storm today, We had about ten gallons of water in the tent. We lucked out in the almost everything it the tent didn?t get wet.
We are dry tonight which is amazing considering what our tent site looked like this afternoon!
We arrived 1 pm Friday with a fairly crowded but stress free process. I can tell you they have been bringing in planes much faster this year. First time I've been in with no weather to worry about and it was great other than the heat and humidity! I was shot by the time we were tied down and set up camp..... our tent stayed dry thru the storms but next year I'm packing all clothes and things that can get wet in some kind of clear plastic waterproof container or at least water proof bags. Lot of folks here woke up Saturday morning with all belongings wet!
Oshkosh 2019

Carol and I arrived Home Built Camping Friday , before the flood.
This is Carols 15 th Oshkosh,,,,, my umpteenth.
We are glad to be here again. Welcoming pilots to Oshkosh!
Arrived sort of

Tami and I have arrived via Appleton. No grass parking when we arrived at RIPON at about 07:00. Landed at KATW and tied down and took LYFT over to Gruenhagen. Checked in and now at OSK. Might go pick up the plane later in the week.
Made it...

Had a great flight from Oshawa to Oshkosh.

Weather was fantastic.

Had to switch gears due to the parking on grass issue and was able to make a call and park at Bassler Conversions. Tied down there tonight until the grass opens.

Looking forward to some cold beer!

Arrived Friday

We arrived Friday also. Left Seattle Thursday night and flew to Logan UT non stop on 25 gallons to pick up my son. This plane still amazes me with its efficiency. The next morning we left Logan around 8 and landed in Oshkosh around 6:30. We made shorter legs to break things up some. Weather was perfect with good tailwinds.

We camped at our trailer site Friday night and weathered the storm nicely but a little damp. The rain was so hard a fine spray was passing through the walls of our 15 yr old backpacking tent. Spent the day working through how to get the camper in. My wife and daughter drove the camper and arrived Friday evening and since I had already picked up our registration we?re able to go around the huge lineup and enter through the west gate.

We are starting to see dry and dusty areas around camp in local spots so things are improving
In my dorm room. Landed ATW @ 4. OSH opened to Homebuilt parking at 4:45. Rode bus from ATW to OSH then another bus to my dorm room. Shared two pitchers of beer with friends. Going to bed. May move airplane here Tuesday or Wednesday.

Was thinking about making a 4-hour flight home but decided to just relax and see what the world sends my way.
We arrived a little before 8:00. Very little inbound traffic other than the Cessna mass arrival which messed up the taxiways badly. We eventually were parked in row 308 which is across the ditch in HBC. Tied down and had supper at SOS. Happy to be here after a long slog to get here.
Ghost crew in town

Hit ripon at open, held at both lakes, got cut off , passed, ignored etc but here we are and the rv?s are coming in fast. Cheers
Got a little lucky

Hit Ripon between 11:30 and 12:00. Only a couple of airplanes holding over the lake. One trip around the lake and then to Fiske for 36L. HBC must be getting somewhat full as I had to cross the bridge over the creek to get a spot.

Sunday flight across from Calgary smooth & easy, last Fuel stop in Eau Clair and get an OSH arrival update. At 4:20 we booked a room there, of course shortly later OSH opened for arrivals... But getting a BEER became the priority at that point on.
Today, once around Green Lake, traffic well behaved, arrival no prob.
I had a last-minute window open up to make the trip, and we saddled up and were airborne out of 73XS just before 6am. A biological stop at KHIG and on to Monroe WI KEFT to top off the main tanks and arrive at KOSH with full tanks and empty bladder, plan worked well. We got to Ripon about 1 pm and only got spun out of the conga line twice, both times for a cub that couldn't do more than about 75 knots in front of us. Landed 27 and taxied to HBC, and spent the next couple hours sweating in 90 degrees and 90 percent humidity setting up camp.

Then the rains came - that was fun. Our tent collapsed, everything got completely soaked and we had about an inch of water on the floor inside. We ended up retreating to the airplane just for a dry place to sit while the storm blew itself out. At dawn we hiked to the Target store and were there waiting for the doors to open, and bought dry clothing and pillows and headed back to the field. The sleeping bags and other clothes were spread out all over the place to dry in the sun, looked like a yard sale but it worked well. More rain on Saturday but the tent held up and we were ok, and then it started to get quite enjoyable. I'm not sure if it happened during the Friday night storm or the Saturday storm(s), but somewhere along the line my plane took a gust strong enough to bend my Anti-Splat ultimate gust lock - but it still held in position, and I took no damage to the plane. Thanks Alan for a great product!

The beer event at HBC was great, and Dan's beer event sponsored by Gallagher on Monday night was even better. Our plan was to leave Monday morning to go back home but the ground in front of my plane still had some very squishy spots so we delayed departure 24 hours and bugged out Tuesday morning.

I'll say this for the EAA/FAA traffic control situation - from the ground Sunday and Monday watching traffic come in, they did a MUCH better job utilizing available runway surface and getting traffic in. No more of this "one airplane every 2 minutes" BS that was seen last year during the furball. This years set of controllers were actually doing their job and not going on union break, that was good to see.

The best souvenir I got from this years event? A little time spent with the man himself during Mondays Gallagher beer event.

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