
Well Known Member

For those that are using the GRTDecode utility - a new version is out.

Major difference is the capability to use either Aviation format (default / GARMIN GPS) GPS information or the NEMA format (GRT Internal + Others). I've also updated the XML/XSLT sheet which means the columns have changed slightly in the output (decimal lat/long and total engine time).

As always if you have any test cases that seem 'dodgy' please let me know,



For any new GRT users out there that haven't been aware of Carl's program before - this thing is the best flight testing aid there is - you stick a thumb drive in when you start a flight, go fly your test card (not having to record anything by hand makes it much easier to fly precisely), and then run the decoder on the data when you get home. A little spreadsheet work to massage the data, and before you know it, you've got more graphs and charts to describe your airplane's performance than you know what to do with!

It really helps your flying skills as well...the first few times you look at your data, you might be wondering what drunken idiot was at the controls when the data was recorded! You get more precise as you progress...

Thanks Carl!! Will be most helpful in a few months. Can't wait to try it out with my own flight data!!

However... I'm still upset with GRT for NOT sharing the decoding their binary with me. That's one area where I'd like to see improvement.
Poor man's Decoder

I am a leper as I have a MAC and can't run Carl's software.
So on the flight tests (with the memory stick connected to the EFIS) I selected RECORD and just flew as accurately as I could- say 80KT climb- then landed and on the ramp, selected PLAY and wrote down the figures. I would much preferred to be able to produce graphs from Excel, but it wasn't really difficult to extract say, best climb rate or best climb angle speeds.
If anyone has specific MAC experience of compiling up code and can help, we might be able to sort something - it is 'standard ANSI C' generally and command line should be fairly easy to port. (Likewise if a Linux version is wanted, tell me and I'll sort....)

