
Well Known Member
Greetings, I have not found a zoomable, animated radar site. Does anyone know of any sites that work? I have a Treo 700P.

Wunderground has a nice animated display, but it covers a very large area.

Also, has anyone been able to make work? I have tried to log into that numerous times with the same login that works on a PC, but no success.

Zoomable Radar

One of the local tv stations here in Houston has a pretty good mobile radar site that I think is better than the weatherunderground. The basic link is:

which gets you the radar for Houston. Beneath the map are links to zoom in or out and also to show projected storm tracks with the "show details" link. Below that is a link to enter the city or zip code of your area of interest. I use this when traveling to get the radar where I'm at. Once you get to your area you can save it as a favorite and always get the radar for your area. One nice featuer is the ability to scale the map size to your screen size using the "change image size" link. I use this feature to optimize the map size for my Treo 700P or even for my desk top.

