
Well Known Member
Does anyone know of a video of how to use this? There's a few parts of the instructions that confuse me. It says to "establish a reference surface on the prop hub faceplate and Zero it, cross level the Cube, record angle, press Zero to zero it" What is cross leveling? What angle am I supposed to record? I understand most of the set up. I measure the angle from 4" from the tip, I use a 6' level to get blade height from the floor the same for each blade. I have a Seninch prop indexed to about 3.5 on the angles are about 15 degrees for each blade, within the 1/2 degree tolerance...I could not find a U Tube on its use. I C/W with the hub inspection, and marked the hub so as to return the pitch to where it was oringinally but I want to be as accurate as possible....

Below is a link to a video on how to use the the cube.

I would suggest you follow the instructions found in Section 47 page 7 of the assembly instructions. The cube "Zero it" you are referring to is done on the RV-12's canopy deck. The beauty of this is you will be adjusting the prop angle to 71.4° based on zeroing the level to the canopy deck first ... so regardless of what angle the airplane is sitting at in the hangar or on the tarmac, the prop pitch can be accurately adjusted without the hassle of needing to level the entire airplane. You just need to level the prop by placing the level on the prop hub prior to adjusting the blade angle.
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