Randy Erwin

Active Member
Can someone please tell me if I need an attitude indicator for an 8 degree tilt, or 0 degree? I have just purchased an RV-8 and plan to put an attitude and heading indicator in it. There seems to be only two choices out there, 8 degrees and none.
Maybe we're talking two different things, but the difference between the upper longerons and the panel face in my -8 is 6 degrees, measured with a Smart Level. After first measuring it, and not believing the results, I went to Sears and bought another Smart Level. This one also measured 6 degrees.
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Thanks fellas, for the quick responses. Two questions; a) what did the plans call for? and b) what are the consequences of using the wrong Attitude indicator?

Is it a matter of fit, or function?
Can someone please tell me if I need an attitude indicator for an 8 degree tilt, or 0 degree? I have just purchased an RV-8 and plan to put an attitude and heading indicator in it. There seems to be only two choices out there, 8 degrees and none.

Randy, congratulations on the new RV-8!

Are you sure you want to put a mechanical attitude indicator and heading indicator in the panel? There are so many great digital options that the old mechanical stuff is now considered obsolete. The digital devices will compensate for whatever panel tilt is in your plane and a magnetometer never precesses or indicates turn errors.
8 degrees

I had the same question a while back when I purchased the RC Allen 2600 digital EFIS 2 1/4" attitude indicator. 8 degrees was the answer when I did all the research, and that's what they set it to. I haven't flown yet, but that seems to be correct. Dave
Thanks fellas, for the quick responses. Two questions; a) what did the plans call for? and b) what are the consequences of using the wrong Attitude indicator?

Is it a matter of fit, or function?
Although 8? AI's are widely available, according to the Kelly Instrument technician I once talked with, the AI can be adjusted for any angle within a given range. If it needed to be set to 6? it can be. In actuality, the gyro itself is not adjusted to compensate for panel tilt but rather it is the mechanism that links the pilot controlled knob to the set of wings on the horizon bar on the face of the instrument that is adjusted for equal travel up or down. If a 0? AI were installed in a panel with an 8? tilt, the pilot will quickly find out when he turns the knob that the limits of travel are already met in one direction.
Thanks for all the replies guys. This has been a real education for me. To answer the question about the mechanical vs. digital (EFIS), it's purely a matter of money at this stage. I have just gone into debt for a substantial amount of money, and I am having to watch...my wife watch my wallet/credit card! I have every intention of installing a more modern (and functional) panel at some point in the future. But for now, I would just like to fill in the blanks and have something to look at that may give me a clue as to which way I am pointed. :cool:
Thanks for all the replies guys. This has been a real education for me. To answer the question about the mechanical vs. digital (EFIS), it's purely a matter of money at this stage. I have just gone into debt for a substantial amount of money, and I am having to watch...my wife watch my wallet/credit card! I have every intention of installing a more modern (and functional) panel at some point in the future. But for now, I would just like to fill in the blanks and have something to look at that may give me a clue as to which way I am pointed. :cool:


You can put an EFIS in your plane for $1600:


Fits in the same hole as the old attitude indicator.
Thanks Sam. I have seen that, and am very interested in it. However, I can put a vacum attitude and heading indicator in for about $3-400. That difference means a lot to my bean counter ;)