Bryan Wood

Well Known Member
For those of you flying with Angle of Attack indicators... How much variation do you see on your airspeed during final at various gross weights and outside air temps when flying your AOA?

I have a dynon AOA on the screen. It functions as advertised, and really is a great tool, but I find that in normal operations it doesn't help that much. On approach at my short final/transition to flair speed of 65k with full flaps, it still reads half way in the green when I shift to outside ref. This is in any load/bal state. At altitude in playing with it, its amazing how steep an AOA you can maintain controlability. I'm just a little too conservative when it comes to low alt maneuvering to fully utilize it's data. If I was routenely flying into a short strip, I would want the remote display up on the glare shield so it would be in my peripheral vision at all times, and the audio alert too.
For those of you flying with Angle of Attack indicators... How much variation do you see on your airspeed during final at various gross weights and outside air temps when flying your AOA?

A little more than I realized--about 7-8 KIAS on short final in my RV-8 between light and gross weight. I used to "pad" maybe 5 knots when heavy, and still occasionally had an "arrival." If I pay attention to the AOA (admittedly I sometimes don't) it lands the same way every time, regardless of weight.